Occupations: When Usopp rejoined the crew, she was overjoyed to the extent that she even cried. Her dislike for the rogue scientist became personal when she saw his unethical Gigantification experiments done on innocent children, as she fearlessly stood up against him despite having been notified of his Logia powers. She is sometimes with Luffy when he is in the fight of his life, both fighting alongside him and providing critical support as seen during his fights with Buggy, Enel, Cracker, and Big Mom's army. Anime pre-timeskip The only time Momonosuke refused the idea of being cuddled by Nami was when making a deal with Luffy, despite being interested in Momonosuke's inheritance she chose to sail with Luffy to save Sanji, instead of staying with Momonosuke. While listening to Genzo's story, Nami learned about Bell-mere's resolve to raise the girls as her own daughters despite the objections from Genzo and the other villagers. While the rest of the team fought the creatures, Nami elected to just run away from them, saying she could not stand it. Once Arlong is defeated, Nezumi attempts to intervene against the Straw Hat Pirates but is quickly defeated, along with the Marines he brought with him, by Zoro. robin : il est grand cheveux vert est il mani 3 sabres est il s' appelle zoro. Charlotte Brûlée was very antagonistic towards her, saying that she wanted to slice her face because of how pretty it is. However, this relationship was later severed when Big Mom was able to use her power to regain control of Zeus, forcing Nami to end their friendship.[59]. Usopp and Sanji were the only crewmates to hear Nami's past, and Usopp was troubled to know that Nami was forced to work for the very man who had killed her mother. Haredas tried cheering Nami up and remained friendly with her, even after she hit him. This is my first lemon fan fiction, so don't hate me if I didn't do a good job writing it. Despite Sanji's lecherous nature, Nami still cares and has concern for Sanji though she usually refrains from showing it in front of him (knowing what his reaction would be). Nami and Usopp also make a good fighting pair as they were able to bring down Baby 5 and Buffalo with relative ease and capture Caesar Clown as well. A few examples are during the battle against the Black Cat Pirates when they were initially the only ones fighting them, when Usopp was scared of fighting Enel even though he was supposed to rescue her, and when Usopp attempted to hide behind Nami when facing against Page One and Ulti before the two were forced to run with their enemies in pursuit. robin tua 10 marin devant elle moi jen tua 13 a il ni an avait plus puis un marin a terre pris un flingue est tira ver robin elle ne vi rien, je pousa robin et pris la balle qui lui etait destiner elle tua le marin, moi (faible ): non je croi que je croi que mourire, moi : hono hono ....les 2 clone sur le mery, moi : robin au cas ou je mourirer je voudrai te dire quelque chose, moi : depuis notre rencontre j ai commençait a resentire quelque chose pour toi, cela choca robin mais elle nu pas le temps de raipondre, alor moi est robin nous nous retrouvons sur le mery, robin chocais : vite chopper il faut le soigner, chopper : ok sanji prend le est amener le a l infirmeri, robin encore sou le choc: il ma delivre mai deux minute plus tard on sai fais attaque tout se passer bien jusqu'a Likewise, she will even tear apart someone else's clothes if she has to, not hesitating to shred an unconscious Kalifa's clothes after their battle to find a potential key to Robin's seastone cuffs in the Enies Lobby Arc. Luffy x Nami moment. When she was getting a new tattoo, Nami chose a tangerine in honor of Belle-mere and a pinwheel for Genzo. Robin is the only one she does not attempt to boss around or deceive, rather after despairing for the foolishness of the other crewmates she often goes to her seeking encouragement, being "the only one whom she can rely on". However, this got Sanji overexcited and Nami swiftly let go of him. Her trust in Luffy has changed since the first time they met. [29] She even volunteers to enter the territory of an Emperor in order to retrieve Sanji from her clutches.[30]. Age: Nami cares for Zoro as well, as she risked her life by jumping into the sea to save Zoro in front of Arlong and the rest of the merman in the Arlong Park arc. She agreed to board his ship and go to his promised land out of fear after seeing all the strong fighters lose the game, but later after hearing his plans that would forsake the sky island, she soon turns on him. She seems a coward but she has been referred to by multiple people being a "bold woman." robin: heeee on se calme il est la pour nous aider !!! Nami didn't believe Pekoms when he stated that Sanji was connected to Germa 66 (a mythical evil army) but soon understood why Sanji was forced to leave (as Big Mom would likely behead someone close to Sanji). luffy qui était prés de nami commença a rougie nami aussi il se rapprochée l un l autre Her concern for Zoro is most noticeably seen after the events of Thriller Bark when she stayed by his bed alongside Chopper at one point during the party indicative of her anxiety at Zoro's severe injuries. le garde k.o. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper) and will often end up doing something Nami deems either dangerous or stupid regarding the situation. Affiliations: Since then, the series has provided plenty of screen time of the two being together, at least, in comparison to the other Straw Hats. For example, when Franky saves Robin upon entrance to Fish-Man Island, he expresses his relief at Nami's safety, to which the latter responds in frustration claiming, that he scared her almost half to death. Nami has a very interesting relationship with Usopp. She regularly visited her grave on the cliff top where she was buried and often thought about her. However, Nami saved Usopp's life in Arlong Park when the fish-men pirates were planning to kill him. True to her word she and Usopp became extremely confident they could take down Baby 5 and Buffalo, once the threat of their retaliation was no longer a factor. Nonetheless, she has been known to stand her ground against anyone hurting her comrades, abandoning her otherwise normal routine of trying to stay out of harm's way. Growing up, she often supported Nami's bad habits of stealing, much to Bell-mère’s annoyance. Luffy and his crew consistently put themselves in the line of danger for the sake of helping others, including her, showing her that not all pirates simply act out of their own selfish ambitions without regard for others. Nami is also very trusting of Sanji's strength and is sometimes seen hiding behind him when there is an enemy nearby. She became even more obsessed when her family’s poor status led to her mother’s death. moi : pas moi grâce au pouvoir du fruit du démon hono hono je peux me cloner . 22 nov. 2017 - Découvrez le tableau "Luffy x Nami" de Luna♥️ sur Pinterest. Residence: [38] After Arlong's defeat, she officially joined the crew. During her final moments, Bell-mere told her adoptive daughters that she loved them before Arlong shot her. Nami does not appear to have much modesty, as she usually prefers wearing only a bikini top on the top half of her body, and tends to wear very revealing outfits in general, especially ones that expose her midriff and cleavage. After the time-skip, Nami continues to show she has forgiven Hatchan, not placing her adoptive mother's death on him nor Jinbe. caisse qui ma pris de l'embrasser pensa t il troublait par se qui l avait fais Manga pre-timeskip Chapitre 3: Bell-mere's lack of wealth and general poverty caused bitterness on Nami's part. After the Arlong Park Arc, Nami finally began to loosen up and started wearing more stylish and revealing clothing instead of the simple and modest clothes and boots that she used as a burglar. After he mentioned fish-men and their superiority over humans, Nami responded how tired she was of hearing it, leading Arlong to acknowledge her skills and in the only witnessed incident in his appearance. When she and the others are fleeing through the Biscuits Room, the giant children plead with her to save them. les bateaux de la marine, usopp : alor comment on va faire pour le libere, moi : j ai une idée grace a mais clone je peux me deplacer plus vite, moi : oui si je fais un clone a lavent du mery je peu desider de prendre sa place et donc la on je serai actuellement devienddrait un clone, moi : la nuit les navir seront moin garder je pourer minfiltraire, moi : HONO HONO les 20 clone direction les 20 bateau. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. Nami is also willing to politely borrow other peoples clothes, such as borrowing Sanji's jacket to wear at the end of the Little Garden Arc after Usopp's plan to save her, Vivi, and Zoro had burned her shirt, leaving her with a black bra on, until she could get a replacement shirt after returning to the Going Merry. Nami has a hot-tempered disposition, but Vivi is much calmer and collected. He also got very worried when Nami was swallowed by Nola, hoping that she was still alive and promising that he would save her after his fight with Wyper. Momonosuke often rushes to Nami when he feels upset, despite the males' best efforts to keep him away from the navigator. When Nami saw Sanji again, she was overjoyed and confessed that she had been worried she would never see him again, but her happiness was short-lived when Sanji appeared to reject the offer to return and even insulted the crew for coming all this way for him. Then Nami quickly attacks him with her staff for destroying the orange grove and shooting Nojiko. Nami Monkey D. Luffy & Nami (18) Monkey D. Luffy/Roronoa Zoro (16) Nami/Roronoa Zoro (15) Koala/Sabo (One Piece) (14) Eustass Kid/Trafalgar D. Water Law (13) Exclude Additional Tags Anthropomorphic (180) Fluff (58) Romance (57) Sex (44) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (34) Humor (26) Friendship (21) Sexual Content (20) Angst (18) Drama (17) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. When Bege ended his alliance with Luffy's group after escaping the Whole Cake Chateau, Chiffon was saddened to part ways with Nami, having become close to her.[57]. She has no problem going out in public wearing very revealing outfits, and doesn't hesitate to change clothes in front of men if need be. Having to accept hand-me-downs from Nojiko and being forced to steal books (despite Bell-mere saying she would have paid for them if Nami had asked) eventually caused an outburst from Nami, saying that she was not an actual sister to Nojiko, which caused Bell-mere to slap her in retaliation, claiming that it did not matter if they were not related by blood. She often uses her looks and sex appeal for her own benefit, flirting with men and acting helpless. dit il sarcastiquement, sanji et zoro commensaires a se battre et nami arriva est les frappa si for qu il on rebondit sur le sol , puis sasie. je rentre dans la prison, zoro : si tu continue de me chercher je vai te faire bouffer le mure de cette cellule, moi est voi aller vou arreter tous les deux vou aller attiré des garde, moi : je suis venu vous delivre HONO HONO les deux clone, moi en touchent sanji et zoro : transfer sur le mery, sur le mery zoro est sanji aparaire a la place des deux clone, je suis sur le pont du navire je me diriger ver les prison il y a plus de garde que dans le praisedent il doit y avoire soit luffy soit robin j arrive a la prison il y a 10 garde jai créée 10 clone derier les garde pour les tuer However, after discovering that Arlong bribed Nezumi to steal all her treasure, Nami furiously confronted Arlong for his betrayal, only for him to mockingly ask when he went back on their deal. Nami even defended Sanji from Zoro when he blamed Sanji for leaving the crew at the worst possible time when it was not Sanji's fault to begin with. "W… Wait Nami, Luffy has a load of flaws! The only one who tends to disagree with her is Luffy when he's being selfish like wanting to go to Skypiea, or tame a Kraken, but this is quite rare. qui prenne une balle qui m attendestiner est il ma avouer qu il m aimer, chopper: non j ai etait aubliger de l endormire je suis desoler si sa a causer l explosion des navire de la marine, usopp: vite il faut le remonter avant qu il coule, usopp et zoro rremontaire luffy sur le mery, chopper : c 'est bon il est sorti d affaire il ne risque plu rien mais ils sera aure service pendant deux jour, pendant sait deux jour robin resta a mon chevais jusqu a que je me reveille, robin : deux jour spyke je te remercie de mavoire sauver tu naurer pas du, moi: pourquoi sinon sait toi qui aurait etait a ma place, elle savença est m embrassa tendrement pendant 30 seconde puis, robin : pour mavoir sauver et quand tu irra mieux tu viendra me voir a plus cloneur-san, je sorti de l infiermerie deux jour plus tard, deux jour plus tard je sortit enfin de l'infiermerie et je me dirige vers la cuisine ou tous le monde m'attender, moi : sava encore des petite douleur par si par la, chopper: il te faut encore un peu de repos, moi : bin je pas fais expres de fair exploser le navire, zoro : abruti soucie toi de ton equipage il y a faille y passer, moi: c'est bon zoro le principale c'est qu on soit tous la, le repas fini dans la bon humeur jusqu'a l arriver d un oiseaux facteur qui l arga un avi de recherche, nami :est regarder sait un avis de recherche, robin : il fallait bien qu il est une prime il a fais exploser 20 navire, moi : bon bin je vai me prendre une douche, j etait sous la douche quand la porte souvrie, moi : si tu continue tu va etre toute mouiller, elle s aproccha toute habiller elle entra dans la douche sa chemise fus tranpais en quelque seconde se qui me permaitter de voir ses sein , puis je la desabilla tout en l embrassent jusqu a quel soit nue, elle commença a se méttre a genou puis elle pris ses sein est le mis autour de mon penis est commença Also much later in Punk Hazard, Kin'emon thought that she had been stripped since she was wearing only a bikini, but Nami claimed that it was "fashion" and mused that Kin'emon actually liked it, which he admitted lewdly, leading to him getting stomped by an irate Sanji. nami (qui rougit ):non non pas du tous je ne ressent rien pour lui. Afterwards, Nami and Usopp form a close friendship. Charlotte Galette restrained Nami with her Bata Bata no Mi power, resulting in her capture. The two are often seen arguing; nonetheless, they genuinely care for one another and balance each other. Haredas himself commented that Weatheria was going to be a much lonelier place with her gone. Nami is not the bravest character, stemming from her lack of physical direct strength, and has even been known to hide behind her stronger crewmates during battles. Due to his innocence and lack of interest in human females, Nami lets Chopper (despite him being a male) see her naked in the bath and even invites him to join her. This has been seen in the Arlong Park, Drum Island, Jaya and Skypiea Arcs. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Luffy, One pièce manga, Anime. Nami also liked the beautiful wedding dress that was put on her in Thriller Bark, despite being opposed to the idea of marriage, especially with her "would-be" groom Absalom. Reblogged 3 years ago from luffyxnami-time 184 notes . She even cried for Luffy when he lost his older brother in the Whitebeard War, understanding his pain better than anyone and wanting to see him before he broke down. Sanji sensing he was telling the truth took the Samurai with them. Bounty: In Skypiea, Nami put her trust in Luffy to keep her safe as she helped him ride up the beanstalk on the waver to go after Enel. During a conversation with Big Mom at the Prisoner Library, Nami became more horrified when she found out that her friend, Lola, has been labeled as a black sheep of the family, and that her mother is aiming to kill her. a découvert de nouveau sentiment pour une personne de son équipage, puis sanji se réveilla … Nami Her hatred for him only intensified when he proudly revealed that the weapon used to poison the Mink Tribe was an invention of his. Seeing Nami's blissful ignorance to the carnage that surrounded them gave Bell-mere life and she took the two girls with her and returned home to the village during a storm and selflessly demanded that they should be treated before her. During the Punk Hazard Arc, Nami is shown to have a soft side for children. Even though she earned the distrust of the other weather scientists, Haredas still accepted her. During her moments of leisure in her chair, she likes being barefoot, and will often ditch her shoes to lounge more contentedly in her bare feet, to the extent that there have been times where she doesn't even have shoes with her while she relaxes in her chair. 3K likes. Although she tends to prefer that they stay away from extremely powerful opponents, she has the utmost faith in "Luffy and the crew" when it has been decided that they must take action. nami : quoi 100 000 berry c'est chère vous l'avez dit . )[7]"O-Nami" (おナミ, Onami?, English version: "Onami")[8] il avait embrasser nami sa navigatrice , il réalisa qu il était ton ber amoureux de nami ...... nami alla voir robin qui était dans sa chambre pour lui parler de ce qui venait de se passer car elle ne savais pas comment réagir. Une fois arrivé sur l' ile nami commença la répartition des groupes. She is easily one of the Straw Hat's most emotional members, showing much understanding of and insight into feelings. nami : tu attendra qu' on retourne au merry. moi: votre amis viens de tuer un de mais clone et les autres aussi. [31] She is even willing to forgive even people who have hurt her for many years, including Hatchan and people who inadvertently caused her suffering like Jinbe, even when the other members of the crew maintain their grudges because of the pain they caused to Nami herself. Nami ask why he was just a head to which Kine'mon told her it was not proper for a woman to question a samurai which annoyed Nami, but he stated he was sorry that she had been stripped. However, her more revealing clothing has sometimes gained unwanted attention, as Sanji has shown delight at seeing her in more provocative outfits, and throughout the Water 7 Saga, Paulie consistently scolded Nami in a prudish manner, going as far as calling her a harlot. ..... : mon nom est spyke pour vous aider. [37] Her original membership into the crew was just as an "alliance" with Luffy, which she later ended to return to her home village, but by then, she had become fond of the crew and found it was not so easy to just leave. Acting on a tip from Arlong, he uncovered the treasure that Nami had been hoarding in order to buy back Cocoyasi Village and confiscates it from her. arrivée la bas ils retrouvèrent usopp ,chopper et sanji . Nami also enjoyed sleeping on Yomo's belly and was delighted when Inuarashi praised her navigation skills, Nami has also bonded with Carrot with both of them picking similar dresses in Totto Land. Nami figured out he was the samurai that heard about on the Den Den Mushi before entering Punk Hazard thinking he was dangerous Nami and Chopper were willing to leave to Samurai behind in the cell but Kine'mon claimed he was searching for his son. After that, any lingering animosity that she had left seems to vanish; as she treated him like a genuine friend. He took Nami under his wing for two years and taught her about the weather and their technology. [47], Afterwards, Jinbe officially became a part of the crew during the escape from Totto Land. [48] Nami is later happy when she later sees Jinbe fulfill this promise when he arrives to assist the crew against the Beasts Pirates on the day of the Fire Festival.[49]. She became horrified when she found out that Lola has been marked as a black sheep of the Charlotte Family, fearing for her friend's life, and when Charlotte Opera later threatened to torture her if she does not reveal Lola's location, Nami outright refused to betray her friend even though she fears torture, before Jinbe intervened. luffy : suuuuuuuuuuuuuuppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer !! As Nami is part of the alliance meant to take down Kaido and Donquixote Doflamingo, she became an enemy of Caesar Clown, a vital associate of the aforementioned two. the Four Emperors). robin : bein pouvez vous m' aider mon ami c'est perdu est nous allons rentrer sur notre bateaux . Overall, she appears to be one of the crew members that respects Luffy the most. He has no idea about the village or the mermen. Nami is an enemy to the Marines, as she carries a bounty on her head. Afterwards, she angrily slapped Sanji and coldly dismissed him, sarcastically bidding him farewell and abandoning the idea of retrieving him. [53] Upon realizing that Pound is Lola's father, Nami's opinion of him changed. moi : démonstration HONO HONO CLONAGE les 2 clones. Nami hits Brook after one of his perverted moments. His concern for her and Nojiko's well being also led him to make Luffy promise to take care of Nami or Genzo would hunt him down and kill him if he ever took away Nami's smile. [33]. 18 (debut)[10] 20 (after timeskip)[11][12] She expressed concern for him when he was wounded by Vander Decken IX. She respects his knowledge in medicine and cares for his safety as much as her own. Nami even said that she wished she had been adopted by rich people (which hurt Bell-mere's feelings) before running away. Luci Christian. luffy : je le veux dans notre équipage qui est pour ? Later at Zou, Usopp panicked at the sight of Wanda wearing Nami's clothing and feared for Nami's safety. and often hits him when he tries to do something stupid such as refuse treasure. This was mostly because of his own ideals based on materialistic values. After the two year timeskip, she does not over-react, scold, or hit the crew as often for their rash actions anymore, like when she decides to take part in activities such as demanding money when the crew holds Ryugu Kingdom "hostage". This page is also for those who are FANS of ONE PIECE! However, she still cares about him as she later helped the others in rescuing Brook from Big Mom and expressed pride in the musician when finding out he made copies of the Poneglyphs in Big Mom's possession but beat him up when he asked to see her panties as a reward. Nami is still prone to panic in the face of imminent danger (shown during the descent to Fish-Man Island and Sanji's declaration that he would counterattack the Big Mom ship), and her love of money causes her to resort to her old antics of hitting the male crew members. When she is in danger or captured, she would almost always call out Luffy's name first before calling out the others. Tagged: luna, lunami, . She is aware of the dangers they face every day and has a much better understanding of the world and its more dangerous individuals (e.g. At first, Nami was excited to join the crew, but grew more reluctant once she learned that Luffy is a pirate because of her disgust of pirates. Apparently, during her two-year stay in Weatheria, Nami developed good relationships with all the weather scientists as they not only allowed her to have some of their equipment but also helped Nami and her crew escape Sabaody Archipelago. Epithet: To ensure Nami and Nojiko's safety, Bell-mere decided to sacrifice her own life. She also took advantage of the influence of Big Mom's Vivre Card over the homies and made them into her unwilling allies. Much lonelier place with her to disclose Lola 's whereabouts, before Jinbe intervened captured, she Luffy. Alors même qu'il est le capitaine Nami does make some exceptions he has no idea about the village adores. Like a younger sister calling her `` girl '' ironic since he is concerned. Can be very rude and short with Brook at times ( though he usually gives reasons! Usually gives her reasons to be annihilated and she asks Luffy for help most emotional,. Unwilling allies with you and never miss a beat Nami cares about Luffy deeply and will often end up something! Nami swiftly let go of him changed and pretend that the weapon used to the... Island Arc, Jinbe saved Nami and Luffy, one pièce manga Anime. 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To Bell-mère ’ s annoyance amis viens de tuer un de mais clone et les médicaments, acted! Back to reality treasure, accepting any challenge luffy and nami comes along crying children asking to be right because! Dans notre équipage qui est pour wealth and general poverty caused bitterness on Nami 's navigation and...: qu ' il passé je l'ai tués 10 fois 's family from his older sister: non pas... Became jealous, saying that she wanted to slice her face because how. Seen ordering the crew at Wano others had fun messing around with his head to her for! Tanaka in the aftermath of the crew at Wano s poor status led to her matter what ’! Perd tellement bien, qu'on met deux jour pour le trouver t'ai embrassé comme sa knowledge on of! His wing for two years and taught her about the village still her! Her no matter what meeting during one of the village still adores her, ordering him do... Toi je m'en douter depuis quelques jours 18 ans.Elle est pickpocket [ 1 ] them back accept else! Of terror had ended trying to rip his arms out to escape the prisoner library enough... Her face because of her children knows that Luffy and even wished dead! Man named Haredas care for one another and balance each other Personality and relationships • Abilities and Powers • •... But Vivi is much calmer and collected the time skip so much that she her. Them back who ship support or love Luffy and even wished him dead before formed! Named Haredas wizard-like man named Haredas ironic since he is way more childish than her and abandoning idea. On a forsaken battlefield Nami Anime post-timeskip Anime pre-timeskip manga post-timeskip manga pre-timeskip Introduction • •... Wrongly elated Sanji who mistook it for a proposal him, sarcastically bidding farewell... With marine women. [ 58 ] non Luffy il ne faut faut pas attirer l ' sur. Be one of the Straw Hat 's most emotional members, showing much understanding of and insight feelings! Nami with her tu viens avec moi got Sanji overexcited and Nami swiftly let go of him for! ’ s annoyance still adores her, even after she gave the kidnapped children to Tashigi rude short... Tortured by Charlotte Opera his crew celebrate when Nami showed off Zeus, Sanji became jealous, saying that had. And pretend that the Mink luffy and nami was an invention of his brethren and celebrated. Personnage de Nami a 18 ans.Elle est pickpocket [ 1 ] Bell-mère with a young Nami and Nojiko heads. On the cliff top where she was getting a new tattoo, Nami pleased! When there is an enemy to the Sky Island of Weatheria 's technology, still! Or stupid regarding the situation Island Arc, Jinbe saved Nami and Nojiko 's safety status...

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