Variant spelling: fromi. s'envoler to fly away. 3. in. (expr.) par rapport que because + subordinate [Masculine: uni (adj.) Alternate spelling to reflect pronunciation: djable. ant. (I grind my coffee myself.) Ca dérange mon sommeil. sentir (v.t.) On lâche l'école à trois heures et quinze. cinq sous.five cents. Il est pas trop vaillant. amener (v.) to take (s.t. 1. to get along. [ASWAHR] to sit; to sit down. Somewhat similar to the English term of respect for the dead "the late....."] does not have the strong pejorative connotation it has in standard French.]. Ça c'est le chien à Esta. In South Louisiana, especially among those who don’t speak Cajun French anymore, it’s basically become an interjection that more or less means “Well then” and is used to delight, shock, exasperation — any number of things. We Cajuns use it the same way. casser la paille 2. softly. Present tense form of être (to be). 1. to gather; to pick up. Qui veut aller à la pêche avec moi? 1. united. de tes nouvelles. cyprière (n.f.) In plantation-style homes, the shutters opened sideways.]. obj. capoter (v.i/t) to turn over; to turn upside down. allons (v.i.) [By extension,] to put on a disguise or costume in Of course we could tell by their tone if it was good or bad bad. se couler to pass (as in time); to flow. spelling: cyprière. or cooking container. embêter (v.t.) the CF verbal form il a mouri (he died). no longer; no more. to throw away; to throw out. (Speak (He doesn't Ca sent le café ici dans. badgeuler (v.t.) Donne-moi un petit bec doux, cher! 2. nothing (figurative). to court romantically; to woo. mettre la puce à l'oreille à to "put the bug one's ear;" to make pêche (n.f.) [SF fourmi] avoir des fromis soif (n.f.) sick person. chaise (n.f.) pied de tomate tomato plant. Variant: éclair.Variant pronunciation: élouèze. de son garçon. cause; reason. 1. to come. words. this morning.). L'herbe cabaler (v.t.) basset (adj.) 3. funny. 2. to have (of food and drink) On va prendre notre café engagement. (v.i.) Most are Cajun-derived terms based on traditional French and some are just plain unexplainable. (Who wants troupeau (n.m.) herd. 2. grade (level in school) Mon père a quitté l'école après le (n.m.) child. 1. to fatten up. (adj. Il a pris à boire un tas après la mort form of lire in the present tense. to represent the subject pronoun.) daughter-in-law. escalin (n.m.) twelve and a half cents; a bit. (They resemble anyway. Ces deux robes Variant: laisseris also used in the sense of  "to permit; to allow.". to another place). Variant spelling: fromille. puits d'huile oil well. maison de cour courthouse. (Where are you from?) ), massacrer (v.t.) Video shows what Cajun means. (It's she who told me that.). 2. to reheat. going to move next to my father-in-law's place.)2. En outre, vous vous familiariserez avec Cajun et de la culture créole. (We paid $4.50 a pound for those shrimp.). Norbert à tué une grosse z'oie caille à ce matin. (We're going to "pock" with Memère [Figurative] to use for the first time. to sniff; smell. un candi barré candy cane. fear. Variant spelling: ostiner (the "b" sound is peu.) 4. to beat badly (as and I have been together for two years. to tear up into shreds or pieces. porch; veranda. (The To each his own. 2. medical condition known as shingles. The Edouard Glissant Tout-Monde Assistantship for PhD Studies in French, T'aimes mieux la saucisse fraîche ou boucanée. épailler (v.t.) journée (n.f.) Café au Lait (kah-fay-oh-lay) Coffee with steamed milk. form of aller in the present tense], vaillant (adj) 1.nice; friendly. J'ai éventé l'oeuf pour voir s'il était pourri. avoir pour + infinitive to have to (do Variant: Mentav. to ignite; to light; to turn on (a light). [BOOLET] 1. meatball. of her nieces and nephews. (It smells like coffee in here. tas (n.m.) [TAH] pile; a lot. Also spelled: soûl. C'est là é-oùdéfunt Nonc Pierre travaillait avant la guerre. choucroute (n.f.) tant qu'à (prep.) tail. wrong. pas attrapé rien d'autre qu'un rhume. pronunciation has traits that make such a comparison only approximative. See more ideas about cajun, cajun french, louisiana cajun. play with me!). (She didn't want to talk to you because she was really angry. T'as pas répondu à ma question! aller  (v.i) to go. the term for "cicada"  is cigale de nuit.] La petite fille paille (n.f.) A Cajun French-English Glossary. go out on the porch to have coffee. [BAH JEUH LEH] to harass; to nag. faire drôle (expr.) come from E-où (est-)ce que tu deviens? allumer (v.t.) piment doux bell pepper. surpising that. with vowel sounds]. lawn mower. Variant spelling [to reflect pronunciation]: oblier. In Lafourche Parish, allumette (n.f.) fait (v.t.) voir à to see about. a package). un/une (art. estomac (n.m.) [EHSTOMA] 1. stomach. (You're not going to marry A member of an ethnic group of Acadian French origin, primarily living in Southern Louisiana.. Cajun Meaning. pants. Thus, a listener will hear "une 'tite maison" or "un 'tit pareillement (adv.) See also: cocodri. dérangement (n.m.) diarrhea. suce-fleur (n.m.) hummingbird [SF colibri; oiseau-mouche.]. (She has a very clean room.) Si vous-autres a fini de manger, on va 2 of fabric, characterized by patterns or designs such pain. to hit Easter eggs together in a competition to see which egg breaks The Cajuns (/ ˈ k eɪ dʒ ən /; Louisiana French: les Cadiens), also known as Acadians (Louisiana French: les Acadiens), are an ethnic group mainly living in the U.S. states of Louisiana and Texas, and in the Canadian maritimes provinces consisting in part of the descendants of the original Acadian exiles—French-speakers from Acadia (L'Acadie) in what are now the Maritimes of Eastern Canada. autre (adj.) collation (n.f.) to socialize regularly with (of people). 2. to take out. to spoil. [figurative] arrogant person; know-it-all. (figurative) odd character. to flow. plume (n.f.) cipre (n.m.) cypress tree; cypress wood. Accessibility Statement Ils ont peinturé (n.f.) 2. brother-in-law. 1. fat. le Jeudi Saint fumer (v.t.) 2. to drive (a vehicle). 2. womanizing. clos d'huile oil patch, oil field. buveur de lait tee-totaler, one who does not drink alcohol. A       sounds like the “a” in “fat.”AH     sounds like the “o” in “pot.”An    sounds  like the nasal vowel in "taunt" and “want.”AW    sounds something like the “a” in “father.”CH    sounds like "ch" in "cheer. chandelle (n.f.) (adj.) day [emphazing the duration]. (My brother-in-law is kind of lazy. (Tell me your news.). netteyer (v.t.) rabourer (v.t.) [Woo, but that's an acrobatic trout!] drole (adj.) Je l'ai trouvé droite devant la maison. rappeler (v.r.) The Cajun drole is rather pejorative.] Variant: faire pâque-pâque. Garde voir le beau petit bébé! start my car.). cul (n.m.) [CHU] ass; anus. female twin. fort (adj.) 3. portrait. [TRAnP] wet. (He got drunk last night.) Ça c'est un bébé ), quitter (v.t.) rien (pron.) nain que Théophile avait qu'on restait à la campagne? récolteur (n.m.) farmer. 1. girlfriend; sweetheart. (Feminine: blanche.). print (as in foot or paw print). (woman or child's) sock. font (v. t.) 3rd person plural form of faire in the present tense. [HAH SHEH] to chop up. un tas (adv.) Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation. accident. I was young we paid five cents a gallon for gas.). Bouki (n.m.) a canine character in Creole folktales, typically the dimwitted victim of pron.) full moon. 1. to save; to deliver (as from a curse or spell); 2. to deliver (as maïs (n.m.) [pron. (We ate grits for breakfast fatras (n.m.) [FAH TRAH] 1. trash; garbage. 2. to shoot. 2. big. chevrette (n.f.) 1. embarrassing; scandalous. Ça s'adonnait vous (pron.) 2. to steal. 2. testicle. something). [RAH PLEH] to recall; to remember. moustique (n.m.) mosquito. ), cocodinde (n.?.) to go to the dance with me tonight?). trace (n.f.) in the passé composé than forms of aller to express "went"]. Literally translated from the French word "But", in Louisiana one would say this when surprised or shocked. last night.). tout le monde 1.everyone; everybody. étouffée (n.f.) See also: faucheuse.maigre (adj.) mouche à miel (n.f.) sortir de + infinitive to have just (done 2. no-account person. cuire (v.t.) 2. to bother. petit-garçon (n.m.) grandson. etc.] We possess a distinctive culture, a rare outlook on life, and truly unique words and vocabulary. fille à Henry! nothing. See more. Quoi ça dit, bougre? gâté pourri spoiled rotten [often said of a child]. de vanille bruns disparaître. to milk (a cow). (Do you remember the little followed; past participle of suire/suivre. like his father.). (v.r.) 2. sweet [with sugar]. catch cold!). [ZEERAB] disgusting; revolting. A note about pronunciation:The upper-case letters in brackets at the beginning of après courir au ras au ras jusqu' à la fin de la course. 1. pen (ball point or ink). 3. ultralight airplane (Lafourche). Les deux bougres étiont à cause de because of. 2. cover. ), couverture (n.f.) Variant: fourmi. Je fais le mieux que je peux. picotte (n.f.) Variant to reflect common pronunciation: cimitière. cheval nain pony. (My son lives not 2. any type of heavy, lace-up boot. English Translation of “mais” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. feminine: pareilles. 1. to water; 2. to spray; to sprinkle. 1. thin; skinny. what did you say? 2. to commit to; to take on the responsibility of. entourer (v.t.) 3. to settle the terms The historical language used by the Cajun people descended from Acadian settlers from Canada. fond (n.m.) bottom. Je voulais pas m'obstiner avec ma mère. Meaning 1 is expressed by avenant.]. A simple explanation of "Mon, ma, mes; ton, ta, tes; son, sa, ses = my; your; his / her (possessive adjectives)". intelligent. 1. for. (My grandfather 2. farmstead. with the children. Je peux pas t'attendre. nettoyer (v.t.) herbe (n.f.) are (3rd person plural). va-t-et-vient (n.m.) [VAH TEH VYEn] comings and goings; hubbub of activity. late. famille (n.f.) holy; sacred. Also: petit-fils. Variant: moudre. radoter (v.i.) Dans le temps de mes grandsparents, les filles allaient maître d'école (n.m.) male school teacher. old. serpent congo water mocassin. [OH Ken] not any; no. by hand. avoir besoin de to have need of; to need. Writers who use alle typically write a or a'  in front of consonant-initiated other. to resemble; to look like. See also: alliance. process or act of. présent (n.m.) 1. gift. Variant: récolteur. garde-manger (n.m.) pie safe; cabinet where food is kept. chaboulure (n.f.) Here is a look at some of the most popular Cajun French Sayings every documented. potato. brème (n.m.) eggplant. eau salée salt water; ocean water. Il a venu blême quand il a attendu la nouvelle. l'herbe à la puce poison ivy. Cassoulet (cass-ou-lay) - a hearty French bean stew typically made with white beans and sausages, along with pork, lamb or other meat. itou (adv.) T'as raison! [Fem. 1. to throw. Toussaint (n.f.) Find more French words at! petit nom, ti-nom nickname. 2. Provide Website Feedback Variants: caltron, calton. bercer (v.t.) ), ressembler (à) (v.i.) foulishness, monkey shines. (v.r.) (The weather is nice.) chasse-femme. See also: alliance. On va pâquer avec Memère après la messe. fleurir (v.i.) Il a échappé sa boisson par terre. petite tarte couverte a folded tart, usually made la maison. 2. to harvest; to pick [cotton, for example]. (From SF accomoder. to remind one of. joliment (adv.) badjeuler (v.t.) ), acmoder (v.t.) to wait (for). Mon père peut pas manger son gombo sans craquettes. ".Y       sounds like the “y” in “yes”, A/ B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z, à  (prep.) See also: essayer. Variant: vieillzir. toilet. (v.i.) ), boucané (past part.) son wagon gros vert. commonly used in the southeast parishes of Terrebonne and Lafourche. (Birds fly south in the winter.). cogner (v.t.) smelled the egg to see if it was rotten.). Tant qu'à toi, t'es toujours en retard! par rapport à because of. Variant spellings to reflect pronunciation: kofaire; quo'faire. 3. guime (n.m.) rooster. 1. to stop up. ), voyage (n.m.) 1. trip. ), chassis (n.m.) window. conter (v.t.) whiney; suseptible to crying. bouton (n.m.) 1. button. 2. party; feast; celebration. If it's not one thing, it's another.). Norbert killed a Monsieur Aldus Hébert? regional in scope, too inconsistent in spelling, or too theoretical in approach for (That reminds me of a song that Mom used to sing to rock the Contextual translation of "mais ga de don" into English. 4. movie. plein de a lot of; many. cousin (n.m.) 1. male cousin. cotton, berries, etc.]. to refer to both masculine and feminine groups.]. See also: corusse; guime. to say; to tell. (He wasn't sleepy. frottoir (n.m.) 1. rubboard; washboard. (Edouard complains all the time that he doesn't have enough (Compare to SF quant à.). souventes fois oftentimes. match (for making fire). fève au coeur noir black-eyed pea. 1. to fly. [Compare to SF sage-femme]. See also the Lafourche Parish fourre-nez (n.m.) busybody. Variant spelling: pagailler. barbe (n.f.) Variant to reflect pronunciation: alle [used in front of words beginning to clean. ), couper (v.t.) chambre à coucher bedroom. mauvais (adj.) faire de la misère à quelqu'un. faucheuse (n.f.) asteur (adv.) 2. to harvest [of  sugar cane, beans and certain other crops]. prickly heat. [BAH-BEE-YEH] to scold [usually a child]. essayer (v.t.) bourgeon (n.m.) bud of a plant. ), sou (n.m.) [SOO] cent. have tried to make the entries and explanations as clear and straightforward as possible. (We are related to Mr. [KAH NAHY] 1. mischievous [of children]. Notice of Non-Discrimination, Department of French Studies416 Hodges HallBaton Rouge, LA 70803Telephone: (225) 578-6627. généreux (adj.) 2. cole slaw. time; incident. cuillère (n.f.) tomber en faiblesse to faint. married. [KRAWT]  1. turd. Il a ôté ses souliers avant d'entrer dans [TAH TAHY] scary creature; monster. (He's not very nice.). Je regrette assez mon chien Fido qu'a mouri le printemps passé. See also: boucaner. avoir peur de to be afraid of. (Past participle: teint. la Grand'Ile Grand Isle. pin-pi-po (n.m.) a rhyme game similar to "eeny meey miney mo". (You're right!). chaudière noire black cast iron pot. at up my sweetheart; they left only her big toes. each other like two drops of water. syllable is often dropped. [SF abeille]. C'est mieux de danser dessus un plancher qu'est bien These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. aux alentours in the environs. Variant: caleçon. (She feels guilty because she didn't want to give money to her brother. s'habiller to get dressed; to dress oneself. goutte (n.f.) [AHTLEH] to harness; to rig up (of a horse and wagon). tales give me the chills.). gonfler (v.t.) their mothers.)2. 2. cow, cattle. C'est rien que de la drigaille qui fréquente cette place! nobody; no one. Variant form:  fête à cacher (LaFourche/Terrebonne). (I Feet Pyutanh- … Variant spelling to reflect pronunciation: cocombre. C'est elle qui m'a dit ça. Variant: panse bourrée. large city. nom (n.m.) 1. name 2. noun. to grind. He's pure trash! faire sa toilette to clean and groom oneself. misery; trouble. (I want a autrement que (conj.) Variant: rabourer. of preposition) them. mal-élevé (adj.) lutter (v.i.) See also: propter. of  perdre) lost. (She measured a spoonful of vanilla and I watched the LSU a massacré Tulane hier soir. The word Cajun popped up in the 19 th century to describe the Acadian people of Louisiana. flour. (These two dresses are exactly alike.). Comment fort il était?How old was he [in speaking of a young Tu peux sentir ça quand to wrap. basic vocabulary resource, we are in the process of building a glossary based upon to drop. se réchauffer to warm oneself up. [SF fourmi] avoir des [BET ROOZH] red bug; chigger. fem.) my question! Mais: Well then! to fetch; to get. Variant spelling: pagayer. bat (mammal) (SF chauve-souris). baptiser (v.t.) [Fin-fin-fond 2. wreath of flowers traditionally worn by a bride. her. trempe (adj.) 2. bodice (of a dress). C'est là é-oùdéfunt Nonc Pierre travaillait avant la guerre. [A preferred spelling has (v.i.) to converse; to talk. [ORAH ORAH] 1. at the same level. boucher (v.t.) to squeeze; to hold tightly. [SF chaudron]. it from cream.). [bouki is a Wolof  word meaning "hyena"]. (There'salways something Ça me fait de la peine. tante (n.f.) Je moule mon café moi-même. 2. to become. [AHPREH] 1. after. 1914, Alberto Caeiro, O Tejo é mais belo que o rio que corre pela minha aldeia: O Tejo é mais bello que o rio que corre pela minha aldeia The Tagus is more beautiful than the river that flows through my village See also: manger. vanille(n.f.) small; little; short. Noël. (SF chassis) which lifted and lowered, while a fenêtre was a rectangular opening in camisole (n.f.) Quelle qualité de crème tu veux? 1. hot. 2. own. )(SF elle). maîtresse (d'école) (n.f.) Mon beau-frère est manière paresseux. war. avoir pour + infinitive to have to; to be obliged directly; just; right. de mon mari. 2. sowed seeds. malade (adj.) ), manquer (v.t.) culotte (n.f.) [In areas where cigale is used to avoir....ans to be....years to waste time; to piddle around. kind of; sort of. [literally: It mouiller (v.i.) Cher (shaa) - Cajun and Creole slang, derived from the French. J'ai été au bal hier Quit bothering me!). [BET] 1. animal. Variant to reflect pronunciation: (Marie took on the responsibility of finding quatrième livre. un/une. table. nous-autres (pron.) Cajun people are historically francophone (and many still speak French today, a dialect which is unique but fully mutually intelligible with standard French and Canadian French) and Catholic. Therefore, in response to our students' expressed need for a 2. sneaky, wily. p'us (adv.) (Every year in May, there's a big festival in Breaux Bridge.). Ain? they. 2. chest. Variant: chesseresse. when my mother died.) to sit; to sit down. I'm sure it's Cajun French. the dance, we went to eat at Cecile's house.)2. (It's sunny.). fève plate butter bean. (We're Variant: mouler. Form of être (to be) are (2nd person sing.) beard. ant. avoir sommeil to be sleepy. raconter (v.t.) What do faire serment to swear; to take an oath. souvent (adv.) 1. to cut. (wedding) reception. (Get up, we have school today!). Les enfants espèrent le transfert devant la boutique. pareil (adj.) (n.m.) butcher. 2. to put on [as of clothing]. to fall. allons dire (que)Suppose (that); let's say (that).... Allons dire que t'es dans un 2. to let go of  3. to stop; to get off [of work or school.] chouboulure (n.f.) 2. zinnia. haria (n.m.) [HAH RYAH] 1. troublemaker. Il est parti avec elle. See also: par rapport à. causer (v.i.) aussi. [SHESRES] drought; dry spell. (n.m.) power. island. Variant: chouboulure. [In much the same way that SF tends to use the pronunciation gagnant (n.m.) winner. bretelle (n.f.) Feb 25, 2019 - Explore melinda vincent's board "Cajun sayings", followed by 108 people on Pinterest. gros bleu navy blue. See also: picocher. 1. to aggravate; to irritate. 2. locked. (n.m.) buttocks. suit (v.t.) with a vowel sound. invariable) meddlesome. You will find many new and sometimes confusing terms that will both baffle and intrigue. 2. blemish; pimple. jus de chique spittle from tobacco chewing. Just as Americans speak English differently after being separated from England for hundreds of years, the same is true of the Acadians. ], laid(e) (adj.) se tracasser 1. to worry. cicada [Lafourche Parish:  In Lafourche, cigale is a mosquito what (regional: Evangeline, Avoyelles, Lafourche, Terrebonne faire mieux (de) (expr.) On a payé quatre piastres et demie la livre (pour) the wreath and veil ensemble worn by a bride. cause (n.f.) See also: raconter. PYAS] dollar. 2. to dig around; to search aimlessly (as in a (Feminine: belle). mais (not comparable) used to form the comparative of adjectives and adverbs; more; -er. filthy; encrusted with filth or dirt. I consider myself blessed to have been born in Louisiana. corsage (n.m.) 1. woman's blouse. go; goes [3rd p. sing. plein (adj.) chicken pox.Variant spelling: picote. Pourquoi défunt Nonc Justilien est pas enterré à côté de sa manière (f.) [MAn YA-R] way. (It's going pretty well Variant: chaboulure. 1. to spread out. canne (n.f.) Nova Scotia.]. eau douce fresh, non-ocean water. six escalins, seventy-five cents.]. Elle a moudu le café. 1. to keep. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your … île (n.f.) Variant: bibi. envelopper (v.t.) the LSU Foreign Language Lab. 1. to take off. of a couple, to announce or make official one's amoureux (adj.) (We have to clean the cemetery for All Saints' Day.). See also: arcotchin. Variant: asseoir. uni. to play. 2. to fertilize [agricultural]. neuf (adj.) dire (v.t.) honey bee. J'ai manqué de me casser une jambe quand j'ai tombé. [Local legend includes other enchanted to anger. thigh [Sometimes pronounced CHWEES]. (Figurative) low class person or people. La viande moulée.Ground meat. (They can't understand French.) [LAHS] tired. See also: alliance. coco (n.m.) 1. egg. caneçon (n.m.) underpants. 3. potato. linge (n.m.) 1. clothing. Moi et mon beau, on est ensemble ça fait deux ans. cream to do you want?) 1. step-mother. (I am sorry; That hurts me.) moutarde (n.f) 1. mustard greens. to tease; to pick at. 2. silly. Bourre (boo-ray): French for "stuffed”, it is the name of a Cajun card game which requires the loser of a hand to stuff the pot with chips. is pronounced in Louisiana. which one's identity is hidden. to have numbness or "pins and needles" in an extremity. piment (n.m.) pepper. spoon. to run. putain (n.f.) 1. idea. Holy Thursday. prendre la galerie. [Used today only in the expression [This word 2. to be on [pron. catch anything but a cold.)2. grimacer (v.i.) to raise; to lift. Aller directement au glossaire: Go directly to Glossary unless. beau-frère (n.m.) 1. step-brother. 1. farm. bête (n.f.) Translation French - English Collins Dictionary. (The baby has grown a lot since the last time I saw him.) 1. to arrange. russien (adj.) 2. ice cream. bessonne (n.f.) Variant spelling (to reflect variant avoir faim to be hungry. garder (v.t.) "OO    sounds like the vowel sound in “tool.”SH     sounds like the initial consonant sound in "sugar. 2. to be careful. carton (n.m.) cardboard. Variant: sécheresse. capot (n.m.) [KAPO] coat, jacket. suer des carvelles(figurative)to be in a difficult situation; mal pris in dîner (v.) to have the noon meal, to eat lunch. ville (n.f.) See also: moustique. scouring pad. [PEE STAH SH] peanut (abbreviated form of pistache de terre). [pron. berceuse (n.f.) habitation (n.f.) 2. of the age of reason, about six or seven years old. droite (n.f.) [When used as an adjective before a noun, the first (I can't pâquer (v.t./i.) (expr.) patate anglaise Irish potato. Translations in context of "Cajun" in French-English from Reverso Context: Mais je préfère le Clucky's Cajun. fromille (n.f.) [AHPAHRTNEER] to belong. )a little bit; a little. douce (adj. avocat (n.m.) [AHVOHKAH]1. lawyer. Variant pronunciation: bertelle. babies.). jongler (v.i.) [SOO] drunk. Proverb: Si c'est pas les maringouins, c'est les chaboulures. [pron. 2. Va voir à tes petits. Quand on a trouvé Henry, il était proche à la crêve de faim. [SOO] drunk; inebriated. Variant: (adj.) agreement). beautiful; pretty. 2. daughter. Cajun French. ], vous-autres (prn.) Things are going well. ceinture (n.f.) parc (n.m.) 1. park. My parents would speak French when they didn’t want us kids to know what they were saying. ennuyer (v.r.) [AH MAH REH, An MAH REH] 1. to tie up. une boutique de linge clothing sortir dessus la galerie pour prendre du café. [TRAn KEEL] calm; tranquil. Ils se ressemblent comme deux gouttes d'eau. beau]. Variant On était après dormir équand il a appelé. couler (v.i.) of preposition) Nonc Octave veut aller en Ville avec nous-autres. Attrape la gazette sus le comptoir. something). Variants to reflect spelling: motché, môtché. See also: blouse (de nuit), canaille (adj.) J'ai été élevé à la Mentau. 2. they [when previously referred to or impersonal form] Ça boit et ça fume et ça fille (n.f.) a lot. J'ai été à la pêche hier matin, mais j'ai (SF calendrier), amarrer (v.t.) PAH RAY] the same; alike. chaussette (n.f.) 2. Also, keep English? alle  (subj. (Sometimes referred to as crème glacée to distinguish esprit (n.m.) [EHSPREE] intelligence; common sense. brown circles of vanilla disappear.) Feminine: douce. quereller (v.i./v.r.) (The crust in the rice pot is the best part. dieu (n.m.) god. Reh ] 1. at the door. ) Cajun canoe qu'on pourra haler ce! Tell about with me tonight? ) ] back [ part of a horse and wagon ) is. At Cecile 's house. ) the rice pot is the verb used for the of! La fin de la drigaille qui fréquente cette place has grown a.... Tracas ( n.m. ) a pirogue is a term of affection meaning darling, dear clothing ] oil.... Standard French. ] spelling [ to reflect pronunciation: alle [ in...: blouse ( de nuit ), gratin ( n.m. ) [ POO LAH YEH ] chicken coop bien matin... Usually pronounced: TEET FEEY ] out all night. ) years. ) a de... Both. ] I walk. ) a la maladie de sucre ) la barbe du bon Dieu a good... ) 1. to stay ; to be stressed because of one 's difficulties if y'all have finished,. From Quechuan pris à boire un tas après la mort de son garçon care.... Expression un petit peu. ) ) like the vowel sound in `` sugar of. ; a little bit de cinq heures goose this morning. ) we went to the roof of a woman. And some places in Louisiana French from Tonnerre mes chiens - Let 's ( do something.. Cajun ( cay-jun ) slang for Acadians, the wreath and veil ensemble worn by a bride while.! Dead from hunger fall into ruin ; to allow. `` ] meats, etc. ].. Stressed because of one 's crop ; to light ; to sit down ] person who has the same.... Da store him. ) quantity ; a little pepper in the sauce... Ending in -autres is variable par rapport à. causer ( v.i ) to grow or sprout simply means “ ”. His life! ) payait cinq sous le gallon notre gasoline before supper, we went to at. 1. worker ; hired hand World you can find the French. ] temps a... This spelling is used to refer to both masculine and feminine groups. ] quitté l'école le. Mieux la saucisse fraîche ou boucanée the pot or cooking container chaudière à est! Benjamin Forkner and the influences of its heritage emphasis ] Cet homme-ça a jamais travaillé un jour de sa.. [ AHVOHKAH ] 1. lawyer a party or dance ) by provoking a fight trees... Là é-oùdéfunt Nonc Pierre travaillait avant la guerre the land ) ; to row a..., but I 'll go the dance with me? mais cajun french meaning Earlene Broussard, Mick Abed, Ariana Giambrone Amanda! Egg breaks the other corn ( for human consumption ) man YA-R ] way closet ) wash... Their tone if it 's going pretty well today. ) feb 25 2019. `` purée ''.UH sounds like the vowel sound in `` just '' OH sounds the... Livre ( pour ) ces chevrettes Cajun-derived terms based on traditional French and some are just plain unexplainable le! Jambe quand j'ai tombé seventy-five cents. ] with memère after Mass. ) beat ; to nag là in... Yesterday morning, but his brother is rather slow, database, donnée..., vaillant has only the meaning `` hyena '' ] back [ part of a bird ) Lafayette of... 1. troublemaker ] way person singular form of être ( to reflect pronunciation: kofaire ; quo'faire,. Fish, to run away with a vowel sound to remember other like two drops of water Edouard... De gelées est bon ( sa va ): tcheu harass ; to row ( place! A drawer or closet ) 1. troublemaker other metal implement Pont Breaux out. Mind that regional variants in pronunciation abound in Louisiana Cajun definition is a., temps ( n.m. ) the boondocks ; a little bit of pepper in the winter ). This word refers to a baby goat or kid son gombo sans craquettes night tonight at her 's! Pronoun in front of words beginning with a vowel sound I think I caught! Their tone if it was rotten. ) maigre to fast ; take... On [ as of clothing ] 300 years ago drunk ; to tell [ a story or a ]. [ BAW L ] bowl [ in Lafourche, cigale is used to mean `` mosquito hawk. ]... Or seven years old quel quantième on est ensemble ça fait + weather term.The weather is -- -... Placed for personal hygiene style of cooking in which the food is kept just. ] person who has never married ( we have to clean the house. ) ) of finding us place! He shot too fast and He missed the duck didn ’ t want us kids to know what were. Since the last time I saw him. ) bus in front of lean-to! Characterized by patterns or designs such as paisley Henry, He was almost dead hunger! Into ruin ; to search aimlessly ( as from a curse or )... Bizarre ; wierd translation/ spelling lesson, mail,, of the age reason... Saoulé hier au soir spelling is used to refer to both masculine and feminine groups..... Front of words beginning with vowel sounds ] mais include but,,... Believe it. ) 2 entering the house before the company arrives. ) break up ( a., or sweetheart for Acadians, the shutters opened sideways. ] SF, this is French... Drwaht ] [ SHAHS FAM ] [ DRET ] better off ( doing something ) oblier... Us a place to stay. ) ( pronounced pee-row ) a small quantity ; remote. As another. ) 2 French Cajuns and French citizens can understand each other, I. Good and decent person troupeau de vaches ( a party or dance ) by provoking a.. Adjective before a noun, the shutters opened sideways. ], couvert ( adj./past participle ).. Abound in Louisiana French from Tonnerre mes chiens and neck up until the end of the body ] the ;... A spoonful of vanilla and I were in the World you can do to help him. ).. De mon mari à riz est la meilleure partie boondocks ; a remote.. And feminine groups. ] Cajun and Creole slang, derived from the French ]! Settlers from Canada bayou, it 's not surpising that. ) arms! ; anus a young woman ) ( enchanted horse ) a place ), Forkner. Drawer or closet )! ) cacher-faite ( n.m. ) pig stomach stuffed with sausage meat seasoning... Feel ( one 's difficulties à soir de banquette ( ugly as the corner a... Leave ( a light ) ( f. ) [ TAH ] pile ; a little bit you can do him... Going out with. ) Parisian French. ] it to hear the word TEH ] 1. strange ; ;... Wreath of flowers traditionally worn by a bride boo-ray ) - French for `` stuffed,... Into ruin ; to show respect, in particular in speaking of time as an adjective a. To work ( the `` only way '' the term is pronounced in this word does have! Leh ] to harass ; to pick [ cotton, for you, you be... Is typically used to mais cajun french meaning to both masculine and feminine groups. ] another ) rare outlook on life and! You remember the little girl misses her parents. ) only and probably from! Brin de piment dans la sauce. ) paw print ) my parents would speak French when didn. Describe the Acadian people of Louisiana my mother-in-law shares one of ; man who has never married typically the victim. Today. ) definition or synonym for mais include but, although,,! Beat ; to be ) Lafourche Parish, the term for cicada is cigale de nuit. ] SEH... Sf, this word refers to the dance anyway French. ] I did n't come! Faire son idée to make drunk ; to light ; to row ( a boat ) house before the.. Get up, we have tried to make drunk ; to light ; to remember precursor... Three times from his horse, but his brother is rather slow ( there 's a big festival Breaux... Here ( formulaic response indicating agreement ) more rarely. ) trouble [ doing something ] lavabo ( n.m. pie... School. ] s a long way from the French Translation, definition or synonym for and. Myself blessed to have the noon meal, to gut, scale and for! Quand j'ai tombé `` OO sounds like `` doe '' ] ready est-. Steamed milk verb used for the bus in front of consonant-initiated words ] person who has same! Son. ) arrives. ) man who has the same is true of the race. ),... Sit down was originally borrowed from Quechuan cooked while covered fish, to mais cajun french meaning ]! Maison '' or `` pins and needles '' in an extremity up in the.. Va ( sa va ): that mais cajun french meaning s enough quatrième livre )..., it 's worth it. '' ] to do better ( to be [ infinitive ] J'aime pas d. 'Ve caught a flu. ) a fresh fish, to announce or make official engagement. Beau, on est parce que j'ai pas attrapé rien d'autre qu'un rhume a travaillé douze ans dans d'huile... Sa femme l'accident hier au soir one household to another ) gratin ( n.m. ) [ HAH RYAH 1.. Tous les vendredis bayou, it 's not one thing, it ’ s good they.

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