Innate - Ravenous: Swain can periodically target a nearby immobilized enemy champion to rip out a Soul Fragment from them, dealing them 20 − 105 (based on level) (+ 30% AP) magic damage and pulling them 290-units towards him over a 0.25-second cast time.If the target would be brought past Swain, they are instead knocked back the excess distance.. Enemy champions also leave behind a … Riot’s Tooltip: What it does: Vision of Empire has a very large range. Aatrox – HP regen decreased from 1.318 to 1.3, Ahri – HP Regen decreased from 1.3016 to 1.3, Akali – HP regen increased from 1.6684 to 1.7, Alistar – HP regen decreased from 1.7356 to 1.7, Amumu – HP regen increased from 1.7756 to 1.8, Anivia – HP regen decreased from 1.1148 to 1.1, Annie – HP regen increased from 1.0848 to 1.1, Ashe – HP regen increased from 1.0848 to 1.1, Azir – HP regen increased from 1.38 to 1.4, Blitzcrank – HP regen decreased from 1.702 to 1.7, Brand – HP regen increased from 1.0848 to 1.1, Braum – HP regen decreased from 1.636 to 1.6, Caitlyn – HP regen decreased from 1.13 to 1.1, Cassiopeia – HP regen decreased from 1.138 to 1.1, Cho’Gath – HP regen increased from 1.7856 to 1.8, Corki – HP regen increased from 1.0848 to 1.1, Darius – HP regen increased from 1.9692 to 2, Diana – HP regen increased from 1.4856 to 1.5, Draven – HP regen decreased from 1.2352 to 1.2, Dr. Mundo – HP regen increased from 1.552 to 1.6, Elise – HP regen decreased from 1.1416 to 1.1, Ezreal – HP regen increased from 1.2848 to 1.3, Fiddlesticks – HP regen decreased from 1.1216 to 1.1, Fiora – HP regen increased from 1.65 to 1.7, Fizz – HP regen decreased from 1.6352 to 1.6, Garen – HP regen increased from 1.568 to 1.6, Irelia – HP regen decreased from 1.7184 to 1.7, Ivern – HP regen increased from 1.38 to 1.4, Janna – HP regen increased from 1.0848 to 1.1, Jax – HP regen increased from 1.6748 to 1.7, Jayce – HP regen increased from 1.4688 to 1.5, Jinx – HP regen increased from 1.168 to 1.2, Karma – HP regen decreased from 1.1248 to 1.1, Karthus – HP regen increased from 1.2848 to 1.3, Kassadin – HP regen increased from 1.558 to 1.6, Kayle – HP regen increased from 1.652 to 1.7, Kennen – HP regen decreased from 1.1184 to 1.1, Kha’Zix – HP regen decreased from 1.502 to 1.5, Kog’Maw – HP regen increased from 1.1848 to 1.2, LeBlanc – HP regen increased from 1.48 to 1.5, Lee Sin – HP regen increased from 1.4852 to 1.5, Leona – HP regen increased from 1.6856 to 1.7, Lissandra – HP regen increased from 1.3848 to 1.4, Lucian – HP regen decreased from 1.2384 to 1.2, Lulu – HP regen decreased from 1.2016 to 1.2, Lux – HP regen increased from 1.08 to 1.1, Miss Fortune – HP regen decreased from 1.2384 to 1.2, Morgana – HP regen decreased from 1.1416 to 1.1, Nami – HP regen increased from 1.0848 to 1.1, Nasus – HP regen decreased from 1.8024 to 1.7, Nautilus – HP regen increased from 1.6748 to 1.7, Nidalee – HP regen decreased from 1.2016 to 1.2, Nocturne – HP regen increased from 1.652 to 1.7, Olaf – HP regen decreased from 1.7024 to 1.7, Orianna – HP regen increased from 1.3748 to 1.4, Pantheon – HP regen increased from 1.5684 to 1.6, Quinn – HP regen increased from 1.0848 to 1.1, Rammus – HP regen increased from 1.5848 to 1.6, Rek’Sai – HP regen increased from 1.4684 to 1.5, Renekton – HP regen increased from 1.592 to 1.6, Riven – HP regen increased from 1.068 to 1.1, Rumble – HP regen decreased from 1.6016 to 1.6, Shaco – HP regen increased from 1.6748 to 1.7, Shyvana – HP regen decreased from 1.7188 to 1.7, Singed – HP regen decreased from 1.6048 to 1.6, Sion – HP regen decreased from 2.036 to 2, Skarner – HP regen increased from 1.7856 to 1.8, Sona – HP regen increased from 1.0848 to 1.1, Syndra – HP regen decreased from 1.3016 to 1.3, Talon – HP regen decreased from 1.702 to 1.7, Teemo – HP regen decreased from 1.1484 to 1.1, Thresh – HP regen increased from 1.3848 to 1.4, Tristana – HP regen decreased from 1.2384 to 1.2, Twisted Fate – HP regen decreased from 1.1016 to 1.1, Twitch – HP regen decreased from 1.2016 to 1.2, Varus – HP regen increased from 1.0848 to 1.1, Vayne – HP regen increased from 1.0848 to 1.1, Vel’Koz – HP regen increased from 1.0848 to 1.1, Vi – HP regen decreased from 1.8024 to 1.8, Vlad – HP regen decreased from 1.4016 to 1.4, Volibear – HP regen decreased from 1.6184 to 1.6, Warwick – HP regen increased from 0.75 to 0.8, Wukong – HP regen decreased from 1.2384 to 1.2, Xerath – HP regen increased from 1.0848 to 1.1, Xin Zhao – HP regen decreased from 1.6352 to 1.6, Yasuo – HP regen decreased from 1.3024 to 1.3, Zed – HP regen increased from 1.6684 to 1.7, Ziggs – HP regen increased from 1.2516 to 1.3, Zilean – HP regen increased from 1.088 to 1.1, Zyra – HP regen decreased from 1.138 to 1.1. Le sue nuove abilità lo rendono più adatto che mai a un pick in mid lane, e lo stesso vale per la top lane; a un certo punto lo vedremo anche jungle. "With your plans set in motion, head to the front and wreak havoc with Death's Hand, then shrug off any counteroffensive using Demonic Ascension's health drain. It's not a bad passive by any means, it allows him to keep his Ultimate up longer and gives him good mana sustain in the lane. While Swain’s previous ultimate would keep going until deactivated or he ran out of mana, this one has a definite end with a satisfying explosion to accompany it affecting anyone who sticks around to fight the Noxian leader. At level 1, restore is 4% total health. Each unit killed by Death’s Hand restores X Mana (3% max mana). A little Swain Rework Bingo while we anticipate his arrival (self.leagueoflegends) submitted 1 year ago * by LickMyFishstick Flairs are limited to 2 emotes. Swain frees the demon within for x seconds, gaining 150/275/400 health. Swain casts a small area, granting him vision. Cooldown increased to 15/12.5/10/7.5/5 seconds from 11/9.5/8/6.5/5 seconds. With an all-new character model, abilities and visual effects, he’s ready to restore Noxus to greatness. The perfect Swain Rework Lol Animated GIF for your conversation. Every second, he drains the 3 closest enemy champions for 35/50/65 (+14% AP) magic damage, healing him for 15/30/45 (+16% AP) health. I wanted to make a guide for Swain, it seems there are no serious guides yet or better say versatile; Swain is changed and; mostly similar to Vladimir's rework logic, now he has some serious burst in his kit as wells, and its just like being up from a dream, his new style is just like what it's supposed to be after many years. Swain's Q: DoT with only a .3 AP bonus with decent slow at later stages. The “eldritch power” that Swain emanates shoots out in a cone in front of him that looks to be about the size and range of Talon’s “W,” though these bolts will stop at the first enemy hit. Stay five steps ahead of the opposition with Nevermove and Vision of Empire, clipping the wings of your foes as you rout them out of position. 2. As was teased last week, League of Legends’ resident master tactician is getting a rework, and today they’ve revealed exactly what Swain’s new form will be capable of. It's also worth noting that he pulls his enemies forward whenever he rips a Soul Fragment out of a living champ, an extra form of CC that'll help him set up the rest of his abilities. Active bonus AD ratio increased to 35% from 25%. legit any adc with dorans blade heals more than swain what a JOKE I thought Swains rework was a success. A lot of champions are getting tweaks to health regen in patch 8.3. Since i was bored and i had some time on my hands, i've made a lil' old Bingo for our lil' old Swain, who will soon be getting his rework. If you want to see how your favorite Swain skin will look after the update, you can see the new cosmetics through the champion's official reveal page. League of Legends character Swain has been in the hugely popular MOBA for some time now and was destined to get reworked. Some pretty major changes to Rengar were reverted in this patch, now scheduled for 8.4. Master Swain players should opt into runes or items that offset this weakness. Here’s a full list: Cho’gath received a new set of visual effects in patch 8.3 – check out the video below to take a look: Second most important: cosmetics. League of Legends Reveals Swain's Rework By Tanner Dedmon - January 23, 2018 02:00 pm EST The full rework of the League of Legends champion … "As Swain, you're a warlock general who seizes the life—and souls—of enemies on the battlefield. Bonus magic damage decreased to 3/3.5/4/4.5/5% from 3/4/5/6/7%. Before you do a complete review after new Swain goes live, I really want to hear your quick thoughts on his post-rework skins. Swain’s previous passive didn’t allow for a great deal of interaction with his opponents seeing how it only restored a bit of mana whenever he killed an enemy or a structure, but his new passive, Ravenous Flock, changes that entirely. Look for chances to 'gank' for off-screen teammates, track the enemy jungler, or scout unwarded objectives. Damage on dagger picked up changed to [65-220 based on level] from [75-287 based on level]. The size and piercing effect of this move makes it seems as though it’ll be Swain’s go-to move for clearing waves and harassing enemy champions. Swain Rework Release Date? With the new PBE cycle about to begin, Swain’s almost ready for PBE players to finally test the champion's new kit that includes several new abilities while keeping some old effects. Swain opens a demon eye up to 3500 range away that deals 100/150/200/250/300 (+70% AP) magic damage and slows for 25/35/45/55/65% for 2.5 seconds. Let us know below if there’s any vital info we missed! Keep up to date with League of Legends patch 8.4 notes. In addition to being a distinguished Noxian gentleman of impeccable wealth and taste, Swain also just happens to be a fan of our feathered frien… Bonus AD ratio increased to 130% from 120%. LOL New Swain Gameplay Spotlight season 8. Swain Data for all roles taken from 61,460 22 478 12,384 48,416 164 matches. League of Legends' next big content patch is 8.7, introducing a newly-reworked Irelia, as well as a host of balance changes and bug fixes. James Faulkner (Randyll Tarly in Game of Thrones) ha confermato su Twitter di essere l'attore ad aver dato la voce al Rework di Swain di League of Legends. Swain, The Noxian Grand General New Rework Champion Revealed Abilities League of Legends!! For more information, click here. Enemies hit take 35/45/55/65/75 (+25% AP) magic damage and are rooted for 1.5 seconds. We’ll update further when Riot do, but keep an eye on the server maintenance page for the latest updates. As Swain, you're a warlock general who seizes the life—and souls—of enemies on the battlefield. Cooldown increased to 8.5/8/7.5/7/6.5 seconds from 7.5/7/6.75/6.5/6.25 seconds. We don’t know much about Swain, other than his tenancy to occasionally rip the souls out of his enemies. Swain unleashes several bolts of eldritch power in front of him, each damaging the first enemy struck. Damage decreased to1/2/3/4/5 (+5 per 100 AP) from3/5/7/9/11 (+5 per 100 AP). If it kills them, however, it’ll pierce through that enemy. Whether it be a flock of birds to teleport, or a short and quick dash, I am pumped for this new Swain's kit later today! Faulkner, ormai consolidato attore e doppiatore, ha nel suo curriculum diversi film, serie televisive e ha dato la voce a diversi personaggi dei videogiochi. True damage increased to 18/26/34/42/50 from 14/23/32/41/50. Though he was cast down and crippled in the Ionian wars, his left arm severed, he seized control of the empire with ruthless determination...and a new, demonic hand. Some are relatively simple changes, while others are total reworks of every part of the champion outside the gameplay numbers – new VO, new animations, new particles and the rest. To stay up to date with the latest PC gaming guides, news, and reviews, follow PCGamesN on Twitter and Steam News Hub. Counters include who Swain Support is Strong or Weak Against. 'Noxus has endured, because Noxus is strong. Swain 2018 Gameplay Abilities Spotlight Guide. Swain then commands the wave to return, detonating it on the first enemy hit. Flock: Enemy champion deaths create a Soul Fragment that Swain can collect to restore [~4%-7% total health] health. Vision of Empire's extreme cast range grants you influence over a huge portion of the map. League of Legends' next big content patch is 7.20, introducing Runes Reforged and a brand-new version of Evelynn, as well as a host of balance and bug fixes. In keeping with this youthful demeanor, he plays a LOT of Fortnite, which is preventing him from finally finishing The Witcher 3. Swain can drain non-champions to heal for 20% of the normal amount. This scales up to 7% based on level. Following the teaser video that was released recently showing Swain standing on a balcony overlooking Noxus, the release of his kit seemed imminent. Swain the Noxian Grand General Ranked # out of 39 in Support Discover all Support champions who counter Swain. Swain rework is here, hes conquered the Demon now to conquer Runeterra. Rounding out his kit is Swain’s iconic birdman ability that turns him into a demonic raven with the same eerie wings shown in his previous teaser. Swain’s Nevermove ability does return in his new kit though, but it’ll operate differently than it did before. r/SwainMains: A place for discussion about League of Legends and the Noxian Grand General, Jericho Swain. Swain gains a large amount of health on-cast and drains life from several nearby enemies (prioritizing champions) for an extended duration. As Riot likes to do, they often rework old champions that have fallen out of favor or need to catch up to the meta. January 21, 2021. "One tribe, one people, one Freljord." Broken build: Maokai Support – Season 2021. As Riot likes to do, they often rework old champions that have fallen out of favor or need to catch up to the meta. January 31 gameplay thoughts focus on the decision to attempt to “open up bot lane” over the coming months. Swain is a champion in League of Legends. worst rework in the history of league, does no dmg gets 1 shot by any ad champion with dorans blade. SWAIN REWORK GAMEPLAY CHAMPION SPOTLIGHT - League of Legends. This is what the folks over at Riot are thinking about doing. ... that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via … Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. “Though he was crippled in the Ionian wars, Swain seized control of Noxus with ruthless determination and a new, demonic hand. Swain will be shuffling his way back onto the Rift sooner rather than later. So if you're a budding veterinarian or ornithologist, it's now your turn to start getting excited. "I have learned enough to detest all men. Demonic Ascension's lengthy duration and the short cooldown on Death's Hand lend themselves toward the longer battles Swain loves, but he has trouble sticking to enemies as fights drag on. Bolts pierce through units they kill, restoring a portion of Swain's mana. League of Legends character Swain has been in the hugely popular MOBA for some time now and was destined to get reworked. You can find them here and here. When Demonic Ascension ends, Swain consumes his. It’s generally defined by how much they cost, so we’ve detailed that as well. Ravenous: Swain can right-click an immobilized enemy champion to pull them towards him,ripping out a Soul Fragment and dealing [20-105 based on level] (+30% AP) magic damage (12-6 second cooldown). - Swain Jericho Swain is the visionary ruler of Noxus, an expansionist nation that reveres only strength. Servers will go down for patch 8.3 maintenance at 03:00 PT, 05:00 GMT, and 03:00 CET tomorrow, February 7. What you need to remember is that stuff on the PBE like this is neither guaranteed to happen, nor to be in the next patch even if it does. Copyright 2020 Vision of Empire is a weird ability an… Ultimate Leaker Reveals Why We Haven't Seen One Highly-Requested DLC Character, New PS5 Game Accidentally Leaked Ahead of Announcement, Mortal Kombat 11 Reveals Most-Used Characters, Cyberpunk 2077 Players Reportedly Receiving Refunds Without Returning Game. Swain launches a wave of demonic power, dealing 35/70/105/140/175 (+25% AP) magic damage to enemies it passes through. Ravenous Flock can grab enemy champs immobilized by any effect, not just Swain's. Cooldown increased to15/14/13/12/11 from13/12.5/12/11.5/11. Asking RIOT to have a rework plan for Shyvana is not something new, ... Talon, Zyra, and Swain. Cooldown increased to 120/100/80 seconds from 120/110/100 seconds. All rights reserved. Here’s a quick preview of Swain’s abilities: There’s also two longer videos, detailing Swain’s updated VO, and all of his special interactions: That out of the way, let’s start with the really important bit, shall we? From what I’ve seen in the pre-release teasers, all of them REALLY hit the concept and are very well done. - Ashe Iceborn warmother of the Avarosan tribe, Ashe commands the most populous horde in the north. We’ll update as and when we get more info, or we’ll see you for patch 8.4 in the very near future. All in all, I actually really enjoyed the rework once I got used to the power shift. League of Legends’ next big content patch is 8.3, introducing a newly-revamped Swain, as well as a host of balance and bug fixes, including major changes to Rengar and Master Yi. For every target Swain hits with Vision of Empire, he gains a Soul Fragment. We’ve got the numbers on what’s changing, and a general guideline on which way each champion, item, mastery, summoner spell or rune is moving. It reveals enemies from a great distance, damages them and slows them while also giving Swain a Soul Fragment to add to his resource pool. Swain Rework. “Swain is the visionary ruler of the Noxian empire, commanding its warhosts from the front lines,” a brief lore description of Swain reads. It's still a root though and not a full-on stun, an important detail to note when your immobilized opponents try to fight back. Gold contributed to the items Stopwatch builds into decreased to 250 from 300. Max Damage: X. LoL Statistics, Guides, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for Swain when played Support. Damage is reduced by 50% against minions. Say goodbye to Swain’s pet Raven, Beatrice, being used on his “Q,” and say hello to some Sith lightning that shoots from Swain’s new demonic hand. After draining 150/300/450 health (based on level), Swain gains the ability to cast. Statistics include Swain's Win Rate, Play Rate and Ban Rate. A short time later, this area explodes, slowing any targets hit and dealing damage. After revealing all of Swain’s new abilities, Riot also provided a quick explanation of the champion’s playstyle with a video showing just how devastating his full combo can be against not just one, but two enemies that attempt to fight him. Swain unleashes FIVE bolts of eldritch power that strike the first enemy they hit and pierce through enemies they kill. After draining enough health, Swain can end Demonic Ascension early to cast Demonflare on-demand. One tribe, one Freljord. to heal for 20 % of the normal amount grab champs. For Swain when played Support costs 50 gold less to upgrade to other boots unwarded objectives from [ based!, other than his tenancy to occasionally swain rework date the souls out of 39 in Support Discover all champions... ( +40 % AP ) from3/5/7/9/11 ( +5 per 100 AP ) magic damage decreased to1/2/3/4/5 +5... Get involved in the pre-release teasers, all of them really hit the concept and are rooted 1.5. 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