Thanks for subscribing! Words and Phrases to Use in a Restaurant 3. See Say the Calendar Months in Spanish for a list of months. Food is definitely one of the big attractions to cities like San Sebastian in Spain and Buenos Aires in Argentina, ... in your memory bank you’ll start noticing the patterns in Spanish grammar which will help you to move away from the basic Spanish phrases every tourist is using. Chicharrón – Pork rind extravaganza! Required fields are marked *, Error: Access Token is not valid or has expired. What do you want to eat? Quiero un poco más. BBC Languages - Learn Spanish in your own time and have fun with Spanish Quick fix. 20 words. What’s more important? Instituto Cervantes claims that there are around 477 million Spanish speakers with native competence, 572 million who speak Spanish as a first or second language and more than 21 million students who are learni… Included are instructionals for learning numbers, colors, and the alphabet. (pwe-de reko-mendar-nos al-goon bwen restow-ran-te de a-kee) A table for one person/two people, please. There’s nothing better that justifying indulgence with an educational experience! Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. Spanish phrase guide ; Page 10 of 15 Travelling by taxi: Around town Eating and drinking. Condiments. – ¿Cuál es el menú de hoy? This error message is only visible to WordPress admins. ¿Qué me recomienda? Shopping Shop until you drop in Spanish or English. For lunch, local restaurant-goers will simply strut in, seat themselves, and request “one lunch, please” – “un almuerzo, por favor” (oon ahl-mwer-zoh, poor fah-vohr). 30 words. (pwe-de reko-mendar-nos al-goon bwen restow-ran-te de a-kee) A table for one person/two people, please. Listen to the free audio lesson and repeat these basic phrases after the native speaker--it's that easy! So, why not learn a few basic Spanish phrases and expressions to enhance your general knowledge and become happier in the process? Below, there are some other specific expressions and questions that you will hear the waiter say and you need to understand when ordering at a fast food restaurant in Spanish. – ¿Cuál es la comida típica de esta región? A sledgehammer to crack a nut. Here's a list of expressions that relate to what we eat and drink - or to the consequences of so doing: A dish fit for the gods. 208 Basic Thai Phrases For Travel You NEED… July 30, 2020. All Rights Reserved. by admin | posted in: Spanish lessons for beginners | 0 . Spanish Phrases To Help You Get Around While Traveling. Dairy Products. (kwahl ehs ehl meh-noo deh oy), Does this come with X? You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. As opposed to English, nouns in Spanish have gender, and articles are the ultimate tool to tell them apart. Tengo una reservación. Learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentU’s Learn Mode. These are very common so it’s important to take the time to learn these items. It doesn't take much to be understood in Spanish—many people who speak it in Latin America and Europe are forgiving of errors and very helpful. Talk to locals, find out where the local hot spots are, and ask about regional cuisine. You have to get past the menu before you get to the waiter! Language Hacks. Ready to reinforce all your new knowledge of Spanish food? Basic Spanish Phrases for Travel: Greetings and Pleasantries When you are traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, learning some basic Spanish phrases goes a long way. The lists of Spanish phrases are important, because you might need a bathroom break soon. Ceviche – A lemony seafood soup served all along the coasts of Central and South America. Learn how to speak Spanish with lessons, courses, audio, video and games, including the alphabet, phrases, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, activities and tests. I want to eat. In both contexts, merienda is a light, simple meal – often bread and cheese, a hot chocolate, or another modest snack. So far so good! Over time we've worked to perfect every minute of every learning session. Or = O (OH) See Count up to 10 in Spanish, Count from 10 to 19 in Spanish and Count from 20 to 39 in Spanish, for a list of numbers. Every learner has a truly personalized experience, even if they’re learning the same video. Cooking Verbs. Learning Spanish words and phrases is important, as the grammar alone won’t teach you how the language is used by the 437 million Spanish speakers worldwide. A juice = Un jugo, With feminine nouns, we say: 33 words. PHRASES: El perro es el mejor amigo del hombre. What is the typical food of this region? Usually, Spanish words that end in ‘a’ are feminine, and those that end in ‘o’ are masculine. If you didn't just save the world, you are probably very hungry. 21 words. 8 Spanish Phrases Everyone Should Know How to Use. As the waiter inched closer and closer to me my heart would beat harder and harder. Denise Mann, MS Updated: Aug. 06, 2019. Denise Mann, MS Updated: Aug. 06, 2019. In Latin America, oatmeal is most commonly served as a cool, sweet beverage as opposed to the sticky glop you know and love. 8 Spanish Phrases Everyone Should Know How to Use. 41 Italian Greetings: How to Say ‘Hello’ in… September 1, 2020. See Count up to 10 in Spanish, Count from 10 to 19 in Spanish and Count from 20 to 39 in Spanish, for a list of numbers. Spanish phrases (Food and Drink). The bill  = La cuenta (koo-ENN-tah) Friends and family: Contemporary Spanish slang. Learn useful phrases in Spanish with audio. Learn how to order breakfast so you can fuel your adventure-filled day abroad! Una cerveza = One beer Here are some simple phrases to use at a Spanish-speaking airport. (keh tee-eh-neh ehl ahl-mwer-zoh de oy), What’s today’s menu? De tomar, quiero/quisiera… – “To drink, I woul… Visiting a Spanish-speaking country anytime soon? It sounds like the ‘ny’ we find in ‘canyon’ or ‘Kenya.’ So, my advice to you is to always double-check that your order doesn’t contain something you don’t want to eat. Here are a few expressions you may find useful when arranging to go for a drink or meal, and a couple of signs you may see whilst out. Quick Fix . You really need to specify with your server what it is that you cannot eat. Finally, to ask for the restroom in Spanish you can simply say the following sentence and someone will show you the way: The restroom, please = El baño, por favor. Are there any food words we don't have here? If you’re like me and, uh, typically fail to plan well in advance, you can slip into a full restaurant by requesting a seat at the bar: May I sit at the bar? Good afternoon. This error message is only visible to WordPress admins, El or La? Have a hankering to learn some more? Come back and return to the Spanish words menu for another food list or other topics. Kitchen. Learning Spanish becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. Learning Spanish Food Words. Sports Learn phrases for playing sports like tennis or soccer. Explore delicious local foods while abroad – you won’t be sorry! If you are anything like me (a foodie), then learning the most common vocabulary related to 14 words. How do you order food at a restaurant? FluentU has a wide variety of videos—topics like soccer, TV shows, business, movies and even magical realism, as you can see here: FluentU brings native videos within reach with interactive transcripts. Subscribe to our newsletter! This is another one of those Spanish phrases for travelers that is especially helpful. More Spanish Learning. The basics of food in Spanish are simple to learn. Avoid making common mistakes while ordering in Spanish. Once Your Food Has Arrived, Munch on These Phrases There is no better feeling than seeing your waiter (mesero) approach your table with a tray of piping hot food. A basic sentence describing food in Spanish will also use the verbs SER and ESTAR, e.g. For those who are serious about their Spanish, there is nothing like the entire Fluenz journey including our digital App, the face-to-face Online Immersion, and the six-day experiences in Mexico City, Barcelona, or Oaxaca. I'll … Desserts Sweet tooth? Each country has its own distinct flavor and style! The word carne can be translated as a general term for “meat.” So, you might see carne as a section on the menu. Well, today we have a great wild mushroom omelette. Privacy | Terms of Use, Learn Basic Spanish: The First 10 Spanish Words You Need To Learn. (bee-eh-neh kohn X). Spanish Food Words. Learn to order food and drinks in Spanish. By reading through this list of Spanish food names, drink words, and other general food terms, you'll have a much easier time eating at a Spanish food … If you are anything like me (a foodie), then learning the most common vocabulary related to food should be a top priority when learning a second language. ¿Cuánto vale? You’ll need the right articles when referring to specific foods, but as soon you understand how articles work in Spanish you’ll be all set. Language Hacks. Common flavors of juice or smoothie you might like to order are: Strawberry – fresa (freh-sah) or frutilla (froo-tee-ah). If you see an interesting word you don’t know, you can add it to a vocab list. Churros – Crispy, sugar-coated fried dough – how could anyone resist? 33 words. Let's Brunch! … These common Spanish phrases are your Spanish language survival kit essentials. In Spain, merienda is a small meal meant to tide you over between el almuerzo and la cena. I want a little more. do you have any spare tables? Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. – ¿Podría sentarme en el bar? This means that ‘cuenta’ is a feminine noun. In most parts of Latin America, merienda refers to an average evening meal and cena is reserved for special occasions – like a big Christmas Eve turkey dinner. Una mesa para una persona/dos personas, por favor. (keh meh reh-koh-mee-ehn-dah) Don’t be afraid to ask the waiter what he or she recommends. 1. With each phrase, you can listen to the pronunciation (by Lis, our native Colombian Spanish speaker), get the translation, and read about why we love it and how it’s constructed – including what common vocabulary or important grammar point it contains. Learn spanish food phrases with free interactive flashcards. 10. FluentU offers a growing collection of authentic videos, including various clips, movies, music and more. Gender in Spanish: How to know when a noun is feminine or masculine, Counting in Spanish: Numbers from 100 to 999, Numbers in Spanish: the practical guide for English-Speakers. Here is our ultimate list of Spanish food and cooking words, to help you do your shopping, read a Spanish recipe or just for studying vocabulary. See Say the Calendar Months in Spanish for a list of months. Included are instructionals for learning numbers, colors, and the alphabet. Note that in C + E the ‘c’ sounds like an ‘s.’. There’s an infinite number of sentences in the Spanish language that make learning Spanish feel overwhelming. So in this post, you will learn how to order food in Spanish, whether you find yourself traveling in a Spanish speaking country, or want to chit chat with the waiting staff at your local taco house. Here are a few phrases that you’ll absolutely need to know when eating out in a Spanish-speaking setting: 1. (ah-blah een-gles) Do you speak English? A dog's breakfast. Special dietary preferences are often viewed with a suspicious eye in Latin America. If you are looking for a place to build on your Spanish food vocabulary, this page should help you get a decent start. There are some 418 million speakers in Americas alone. Now that you have mastered this food list, return to the Spanish words menu for another food list or something else. Scrambled eggs – huevo revuelto (way-voh reh-vwehl-toh). Language Hacks. Let's stay optimistic. Avoid making common mistakes while ordering in Spanish. There are many phrases related to food. A beer = Una cerveza, ‘Un’ and ‘una’ can mean either ‘a’ or ‘one’ in Spanish. Vegetables. This basic Spanish lesson will give you the vocabulary and phrases you need to order food in Spanish. The Basic Spanish Phrases and the Spanish Phrases for Meeting and Greeting will lead you to the Spanish Dialog at the end, which shows how these survival phrases are used in conversational Spanish. The paper-signing hand gesture translates smoothly enough. The restroom/bathroom = El baño (BAH-nyoh), The coffee = El café (kah-FEH) The Spanish language lesson offered here is an excerpt from Transparent Language's Spanish software program. You’ll learn Spanish as it’s actually spoken by real people. In Latin America it is very common to find yourself in a restaurant that has no menu. This basic Spanish lesson will give you the vocabulary and phrases you need to order food in Spanish. Now that we’re at it, let’s learn some more masculine nouns in Spanish: Note that the ‘j’ in Spanish sounds like the ‘h’ in English. These free Spanish printables will help you learn, review, and reinforce basic Spanish words and phrases. Now let’s jump into feminine nouns. À la carte. First, to order fast food in Spanish, you need certain basic expressions such as “Por favor” (please), “Gracias” and some common greetings and farewells. With any of these Spanish phrases and questions, you’ll be able to easily get some Spanish conversation practice time in. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Go grab a snack and come back! A coffee without sugar, please = Un café sin azúcar, por favor. A handy list of Spanish words and phrases related to food and drinks.Plus get a free downloadable PDF for Spanish food and drinks vocabulary! Let’s take a look at a couple masculine nouns: See? A dog's breakfast. Adding on, here are four more words that will add depth to what you just learned: And = Y (EE) Dog is man’s best friend. Or just want to … It’s an entertaining way to immerse yourself in Spanish the way native speakers really use it, while actively building your vocabulary. A beer = Un té We certainly like our food and drink and the number of phrases and sayings inspired by such is a testament to that. Don’t worry though, after an authentic almuerzo there is a good chance you won’t even be hungry by the evening! Below, there are some other specific expressions and questions that you will hear the waiter say and you need to understand when ordering at a fast food restaurant in Spanish. How to order fast food in Spanish: key phrases and questions. AT THE RESTAURANT - USEFUL SPANISH PHRASES (for audio/video files showing how to say the food / restaurant phrases in Spanish, see below) Can you recommend a good local restaurant? "Please " and "thank you" go a long way, and a phrasebook is a big help. Are there any food words we don't have here? In this Spanish lessons compilation for beginners we are going through more than 100 basic Spanish phrases, idioms, verbs, vocabulary and more! I’ll admit it. What do … Here’s what you’ve been waiting for! I’ve found that the best way to learn Spanish is to speak it from day one. FluentU brings Spanish to life with real-world videos. Last modified on Mon 6 Jul 2009 11.17 EDT. Spanish Food Words. Whether it’s for vacation, curiosity, or necessity, you can hit the ground running in the Spanish language by familiarizing yourself with some of these basic Spanish words and phrases. Step 1 ¿Qué deseas comer? Choose from 500 different sets of spanish food phrases flashcards on Quizlet. The sugar = El azúcar (ah-SEW-kar), The letter ‘ñ’ (EH-nyeh) gives the Spanish alphabet one more letter than the English alphabet. Feed will not update. Here are 90+ common Spanish phrases — the Spanish phrases to know if you want to start speaking Spanish right now. Games. This is why despite how difficult it is to learn Spanish, we are confident there is a realistic and achievable path to fluency. First, let’s get your basic food vocabulary out of the way. Please obtain a new Access Token on the plugin's Settings page.If you continue to have an issue with your Access Token then please see this FAQ for more information. If you’ve chosen a swanky bistro that is regularly flooded with devoted patrons, you may need to make a reservation ahead of time. White wine – vino blanco (vee-noh blahn-koh), Smoothie or milkshake – batido (bah-tee-doh). Sound as if you were born eating tacos and Coronas. One tea = A tea. Next, tell them “I would like to make a reservation for # people.” “Quisiera hacer una reserva para # persona(s).” They will then ask you, “Under whose name?”“¿Bajo el nombre de quién?” If you’re like me and, uh, typically fail to plan well in a… Bonus: Learn 4 shortcuts to rapid Spanish, with a 4 day mini course, direct to your inbox. Spanish Food Home Free Spanish Resources Spanish 101 Food; Step 1 Overview. A juice and a water, please = Un jugo y un agua, por favor Want to start forming some of your own unique questions? Additional Basic Spanish Phrases for Travel. Breakfast is arguably the most important meal of the day. Spanish phrases (Food and Drink). Take some time to analyze each of the examples and their translations. Don’t be shy – people love it when you make an effort to speak in their native language. Gazpacho – The cold, refreshing tomato soup popular in Spain. Conversation . A handy list of links to resources for teaching food and drink. This one ends in ‘a’ but it’s a masculine noun. If it's not already clear, "printables" here just means that the material can be printed off. tiene alguna mesa libre? (kwahl ehs lah koh-mee-dah tee-pee-kah deh ehs-tah reh-hee-ohn). tiene alguna mesa libre? Later, … = ¿Usted quiere el té con o sin leche? Sound as if you were born eating tacos and Coronas. There are two commonly used words for dinner: merienda and cena. The second blank would be the month, such as July (julio), August (agosto), or March (marzo). You can practice all the delicious vocabulary in the post above by watching countless food-related videos, such as “Necessary Foods in Your Kitchen,” “Mouth-Watering Fusilli with Chipotle and Arrachera” and “Classic Peruvian Ceviche.”. Spending time at restaurants can really factor into your cultural immersion and Spanish language learning experience. Download: ¿Habla inglés? We certainly like our food and drink and the number of phrases and sayings inspired by such is a testament to that. Spanish Vocabulary Lists Organized by Topic^ Basic Spanish vocabulary: Greetings^. Being the official or national language in Spain, Equatorial Guinea, and 19 countries in the Americas, Spanish is one a great language to have under your belt as you travel. Food and Drink - All. Fluenz » Fluenz Blog » Learn Spanish » Food in Spanish: The Basics. Listening Practice How to Order Fast Food in Spanish: Phrases and Conversations Talking about your School and Classes in Spanish At the Doctor in Spanish: Illnesses, Phrases and Listening Practice Talking about Electronic Devices in Spanish. No plans to travel? An almuerzo is a great representation of common home cooking, and is usually the best bargain. Give it a try! Buenas tardes. Bonus: Learn 4 shortcuts to rapid Spanish, with a 4 day mini course, direct to your inbox. Put your Spanish restaurant dialogue to the test with these phrases that are guaranteed to get you through the meal and successfully pay for your service without getting lost in communication: 26 words. Now that everyone is calm, take a break and eat. If you love to eat and learn Spanish, then this is the place for you! Basic Spanish Lessons: Ordering Food. With masculine nouns, we say: (Download), If you’ve chosen a swanky bistro that is regularly flooded with devoted patrons, you may need to make a reservation ahead of time. With todays lesson, you will be learning the foundations of actually speaking Spanish. Without =  Sin (SEEN), A coffee with milk, please = Un café con leche, por favor How to Order Food and Drinks in Italian… November 6, 2020. Restaurant – restaurante (rehs-taur-rahn-teh), Waiter, waitress – camarero (cah-mah-reh-roh), camarera (cah-mah-reh-rah), Waiter, waitress (Latin America only) – mesero (meh-ser-oh), mesera (meh-ser-ah), Bring me the check, please – Tráigame la cuenta, por favor (trai-gah meh lah kwehn-tah, poor fah-vohr). Learn Spanish phrases: At a restaurant. Me pone una tapa, y una ración de solomillo, pero que esté muy hecho. Spanish phrase guide ; Page 10 of 15 Travelling by taxi: Around town Eating and drinking. This is usually a large plate heaping with a huge portion of rice and beans alongside small portions of meat and salad. Call them up on the phone and be sure to greet with a friendly salutation. Remember that, for now, in order to ask questions just add question marks to a statement and change the intonation when you say it. A combination of sometimes silly pantomime and basic Spanish words and phrases are what you need most to travel in a Spanish-speaking country. Join in on the fun by visiting a local Mexican restaurant or Spanish tapas bar with a Spanish-speaking staff. People love to talk about food as much as they love to eat it! It’s got all the phrases you need to survive---and even thrive---in a Spanish-speaking environment. Now that we know how articles work, let’s combine them with 15 of the most ordered food in Spanish: Now that we know how to say ‘the’ in Spanish, ‘a’ is the next step. ¿Puede recomendarnos algún buen restaurante de aquí? Before you arrive at your destination, equip yourself with the following words and phrases so you can order your meal like a native Spanish speaker! A norange. Once you learn to name and pronounce these Spanish food words, you’ll be ready to have a delicious meal in any Spanish-speaking country. Spanish Phrases Spanish Prepositions Spanish Pronouns Spanish Pronunciation Spanish Salutations ... here are some basic Spanish words to get you started. © 2021 Enux Education Limited. Here’s some important menu lingo that will get you through ordering any meal: Seafood, shellfish – mariscos (mah-rees-kohs), Pork tenderloin – lomo de cerdo (loh-moh deh ser-doe), Asparagus – espárragos (ehs-pah-rah-gohs), In garlic sauce – al ajillo (ahl ah-hee-yoh), Breaded – apanado (ah-pah-nah-doh) or empanado or empanizado *very regional word, Barbecued – a la parrilla (ah lah pah-ree-yah), Fruit salad – ensalada de frutas (ehn-sah-lah-dah deh froo-tahs), Gelatin (Jell-O) – gelatina (heh-lah-tee-nah). I was afraid to order. These free Spanish printables will help you learn, review, and reinforce basic Spanish words and phrases. Apr 5, 2016 - See all of our graphics containing common Chinese words constructed from the most common Chinese characters. 6 Nov 2020 Tell a story about an animal or one of your pets in Spanish. To begin with, you already know the Spanish words for ‘taco,’ ‘pasta,’ and ‘enchilada.’ Then there is a list of the the top 15 Spanish food words, the foods people order the most, and even more useful, a quick guide on how to use articles in the Spanish language. Here are few example sentences: tengo hambre I have hunger (I am hungry) tengo sed I have thirst (I am thirsty) la comida rápida fast food Yo quiero comer. (You can read about how I learned Spanish here. They serve something different daily, so you are welcome to ask: What’s for lunch today? (poh-dree-ah sen-tar-may en el bar). Do you want the tea with or without milk? Nouns in Spanish hate being alone, articles are their loyal companions. You already know: The milk = La leche (LEH-cheh) Dulce de tres leches – A moist, super-sweet cake that features three forms of milk (natural, dried, and condensed). BBC Languages - Learn Spanish in your own time and have fun with Spanish Quick fix. A watched pot never boils. Tue 7 Jul 2009 07.01 EDT. 11. Toys and Games - All. The juice = El jugo (HOO-goh), In all countries but Spain, the ‘z’ in Spanish sounds like an ‘s.’ Click here to get a copy. The dish = El plato (PLAH-toh). Basic Spanish Lessons: Ordering Food. While at home or abroad, try to seek out traditional cuisine from the Spanish-speaking world to better immerse you in the language and culture. The second blank would be the month, such as July (julio), August (agosto), or March (marzo). Food and drink: Essential downloadable phrases. Basic Conversations in Spanish - Learn Spanish Online Lessons. Call them up on the phone and be sure to greet with a friendly salutation. Oatmeal – avena (ah-veh-nah) Don’t be alarmed if you get something unexpected. If you ever want to talk fluently, you need to start somewhere. Here's a list of expressions that relate to what we eat and drink - or to the consequences of so doing: A dish fit for the gods. AT THE RESTAURANT - USEFUL SPANISH PHRASES (for audio/video files showing how to say the food / restaurant phrases in Spanish, see below) Can you recommend a good local restaurant? The Best Way to Learn Spanish: Guide to Immersion, Books, Classes… How to Say the Letters and Sounds in Spanish; The Best Book to Learn Spanish (Reader’s Choice) Your Turn. Herbs and Spices. Most small restaurants in Latin American will not accept credit cards, tarjetas de crédito (tahr-heh-tahs deh creh-dee-toh), so it’s best to carry some cash, efectivo (eh-fek-tee-voh), on hand in case of emergency. Pues, hoy tenemos un revuelto de setas buenísimo. When we learn a new word in Spanish, pairing it with the right article is key to learn both the word and its gender. A list of phrases about food and drink. This means that ‘menú’ is a masculine noun. Hobbies. This fried, seasoned pig skin is a beloved snack throughout Latin America and parts of Spain. Spanish Food Vocabulary and Drink Words. Your email address will not be published. 50 Common Spanish Phrases. Learning Spanish Food Words and Vocabulary. Basic Spanish Words and Phrases to Memorize (Before Traveling) These 15 simple phrases are easy to remember and will be helpful even after you finish your trip and are back on English soil. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to – Meaning “I have a reservation,” this can be useful whether you’ve been planning this dinner for weeks or are simply practicing your skills as a B.S. FluentU takes real-world videos like music videos, commercials, news, and inspiring talks and turns them into Spanish learning experiences. A bill = Una cuenta À la carte. 11 words. Order dessert in Spanish or English. Top 10 French Phrases You Should NEVER Say… July 10, 2020. Whether in another country or at the ethnic restaurant down the block, dining out at a restaurant, cafe or bar is an excellent opportunity to put your Spanish skills to work. – ¿Viene con X? And we say ‘usually’ because this is not always the case, unfortunately. Adam's ale. Patacones/Tostones – These crisp, fried plantain slices are a common side dish throughout Latin America. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240). First, to order fast food in Spanish, you need certain basic expressions such as “Por favor” (please), “Gracias” and some common greetings and farewells. 40 words. ¿Puede recomendarnos algún buen restaurante de aquí? For a more complete list of Spanish phrases, grab your copy of the Spanish Phrasebook by My Daily Spanish! do you have any spare tables? You did n't just save the world, you are looking for a place to build on your Spanish vocabulary! Better that justifying indulgence with an educational experience phrasebook is a masculine noun it! This fried, seasoned pig skin is a masculine form and a feminine form reh-vwehl-toh ) sorry! Parts of Spain in Americas alone Spanish and English phrase for taking the bus, train taxi... I learned Spanish here this food list or other topics basic food vocabulary and phrases to Say ‘ usually because... ( way-voh reh-vwehl-toh ) pwe-de reko-mendar-nos al-goon bwen restow-ran-te de a-kee ) a for... 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