Learn more.. Open with GitHub Desktop Download ZIP Let me explain why the cat goes in danger in the x axis. it is now fixed. Here you can see how to prove the described solution, which is similar with the editorial's approach. Nezzar is right, they said that the sum of all cells is odd. s[i] = s[i+k] = s[i+2*k] = ..). There’s no trick or science to walking while fasting. Can someone please tell me where my logic is wrong for problem F? It's failing for the sample test cases too. a[0], a[3], a[5], a[2] which are "a", "b", "a" and "c" respectively. Kudos to triple__a. CodeForces Problems. Then why does it prints a no. $$$dp_{odd}[i] = dp_{odd}[i-1] \cdot E + dp_{even}[i-1] \cdot O$$$, $$$dp_{even}[i] = dp_{even}[i-1] \cdot E + dp_{odd}[i-1] \cdot O$$$. And it turns out there are only $$$11$$$ primes that meet this requirement ! → Pay attention Before contest Kotlin Heroes 5: ICPC Round (Practice) 09:39:19 Register now » Contribute to rohitcode26/codeforces-solutions development by creating an account on GitHub. AtCoder Beginner Contest 189 Announcement. Please help. 10 Minute Walks DVD! So you'd need to change 2 characters to make this "aaaa" and so the answer would be 2. thank you so much it helps a lot @sh_maestro. If $$$b$$$ is not prime, then there is one prime (smaller than $$$b$$$, therefore smaller than $$$\sqrt{1000}$$$) which divides $$$b$$$ and therefore divides $$$a$$$. AND, MY QUICKPOW() FUNCTION CONSIDERED THE VALUE OF 998244353^0 IS 1 ! So difference between optimal way and dp way is less than k. In the problem it is mentioned that all numbers can be in range [0, 300000], Yes, but the question was about range [0, 100'000], triple__a Thanks for such a good round in these days!! I guess it is because Fermat's little theorem is not true if gcd(a, p) != 1, I figured out why many people(including me) got wa on test 57 in E) it was because of %(mod-1), x^y≡x^(y%(p-1))mod p but there is a condition that x needs to be coprime to p the following test case was a corner case- 998244352 2 1 998244353, the sad thing is that %(mod-1) wasn't even needed. C++ Basic [85 exercises with solution] [An editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts.] Now, that we have the info about the connected components we can easily find the char which has occurred the most number of times in that component. It works only if $$$(MOD + 1)$$$ is divisible by $$$X$$$ — then $$$\dfrac{MOD + 1}{X} \cdot X \equiv 1 \pmod{MOD}$$$. So, the link here : bilibili BV1at4y1m7V8. standard input/output 2 s, 512 MB x15368: B Composite Coloring. What is the general thought process for approaching constructive algorithm based question. Never mind now. hope everyone uploads the tutorials this fast as we r eager and curious about problems solutions! How do you walk in Christ? Watch Queue Queue No you need dpv to be in dpv1 because those cases will be used for the parent of v. It is fine for it to be isolated from bottom when it is connected to its parent by an edge. Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Isn't the latter approach more intuitive? Yeah sure, In the graph connect the indexes which will have the same value. You are required to answer $$$t$$$ test cases independently. Walking can actually be considered a full body exercise. Finally understand it. In $$$E$$$, the omitted proof for matching grids with an even $$$k$$$ could be the following : Take away all grids for which $$$a_{0,0} = k$$$ and do a regular matching. can somebody suggest me practise problems to improve my rating. Thanks in advance. Then maybe my bad day, but somehow in any contest pikemike is involved i end up not even solving A. :(. Sorry I still can't understand the case when $$$n*m$$$ is even and $$$k$$$ is even. In Problem E, It's mentioned that There is a general solution for this kind of problems.Can anyone provide any resource and more problems like that? practice more. Codeforces. $$$\frac{MOD + 1}{2}$$$ is the inverse of $$$2$$$ for any odd modulo. Thus, the formula would be clearer in my opinion if it was written like (total-1)/2 + 1 instead of (total+1)/2, as we have to remove the single grid from all the paired ones before dividing by 2 then add 1 because it happens that this remaining one is valid. Thanks a lot. This input isn't valid, input must contain only composite numbers. Just puzzle. memory limit per test. No queueforces even after Contest and fast editorial!! to recover the index for $$$k=4$$$ case, my approach is pick the largest one in stacks so that it will not exceed $$$c[i]$$$. Now we know that for any given $$$a$$$, there is always a prime number smaller than $$$\sqrt{1000}$$$ which divides it. Author: jddantes 27 And with good reason: stride for stride, fitness experts agree that walking provides the most … - evilsocket/codeforces So n=6 and I've counted a total of 12, resulting in a factor of 2. Before stream 28:44:00. 1. I mean when looking at dpv1, it's perfectly valid count if dpv is already excluded. So this schedule would burn about 1,100 calories a week (studies show that burning 1,000 to 2,000 calories a week in exercise helps protect against heart disease). It is given that x is in-between x1 and x2 and with the condition a+b=0 there is no need for movement in the x direction, so the verdict is a 'yes'. i have checked for all pairs (i,j) such that $$$i+j=k-1$$$. https://zobayer.blogspot.com/2010/11/matrix-exponentiation.html. can you explain that special case, please.How x1>x2 can be fixed with a+b=0? For the even $$$k$$$ I basically wanted to choose any cell which can be modified with $$$xor~1$$$. Those are constraints given in the question. Every morning after I brushed my teeth, I changed out of my pajamas and walked out the door, with my only goal to run for one full minute. You should have read the first line of my message... $$$a$$$ can't be a prime or $$$1$$$ because it is composite. The input is not valid because it can only have composite numbers not prime. It seems like it should be 2*(dpv1 +dpv0 — dpv) as it can come from cases when dpu is either coloured or uncoloured. Or we need other method to pair those grids? I wonder if there is a typo in the formula of the combinatorics solution for task E. It should be $$$(E+O)^{nm}=\sum_{i=0}^{nm/2}E^{2i}O^{nm-2i}\binom{nm}{2i} + \sum_{i=1}^{nm/2}E^{2i-1}O^{nm-(2i-1)}\binom{nm}{2i-1}$$$ instead of $$$(E+O)^{nm}=\sum_{i=0}^{nm/2}E^{2i}O^{2i}\binom{nm}{2i} + \sum_{i=1}^{nm/2}E^{2i-1}O^{2i-1}\binom{nm}{2i-1}$$$ And similar for $$$(E-O)^{nm}$$$, could someone explain it? Writing several times within one explanation that it is easy and how easy it is does not makes it more understandable, or even easy. 2) C. Matrix Walk. Some children (and a few adults) walk with their toes pointing in: they have an in-toe(ing) walking pattern or gait. I have taken a little while to realize this, now it's nice that you have fixed it! Set an array flag which is filled with 1 initially, and flag[i][j] == 1 means (i, j) is in legal routes when you finish checking the previous bit. The simplest form of exercise that everyone should do while fasting is walking. Indeed, saying that we can add a "fake" grid to get the correct answer is not the good reason (if I understand it correctly). 1. Thank you OP and every organizers for the contest ;). https://codeforces.com/contest/1332/submission/75045994, In question A, why don't we add an or condition for the y-axis also? 3) The next and final iteration (i=2) would consider the same four elements as the first iteration. Then, for each cell (from the upper left corner to the lower right corner), tmp[i][j] = (tmp[i - 1][j] | tmp[i][j - 1]) && cur[i][j] && flag[i][j], which means (i, j) is in legal routes iff (there should be at least 1 legal source) and (this cell is legal in the current bit) and (this cell is legal in the previous bit). it does not affect anything tbh. Programming competitions and contests, programming community. September 9, 2020 - evilsocket/codeforces GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. I'm a fool. Codeforces. Initially, Alice's cat is located in a cell $$$(x,y)$$$ of an infinite grid. It's correct that dp solution goes through all the possible paths so apparently should give the best result. This is just the binomial expansion, $$$ (x+y)^n = \sum\limits_{i=0}^{n}{ n \choose i } {x^i y^{n-i} } $$$. Maybe you should double check your code. According to Alice's theory, cat needs to move: Note that the moves can be performed in an arbitrary order. We know that time=distance/speed. Why so many people get "Wrong answer on test 57"(problem E)? Codeforces 538B - Quasi Binary - Forming a number. I suggest you to re-read the question. However, if you use Euler Theorem there to calculate, then what you do is indeed calculating (998244353^(998244352%998244352))%998244353=(998244353^0)%998244353. It was created by my colleague, but updates on it were slow due to everyones busy schedule and also commits to a forked repository don't count as contributions to Github. It’s easy to bump up your pace and go longer distances as you get better. 75 . they don't have a common cell). Exercising Walk. Formally, the walk should contain exactly $$$a+b+c+d$$$ unit moves ($$$a$$$ to the left, $$$b$$$ to the right, $$$c$$$ to the down, $$$d$$$ to the up). I think the proof of observation 2 assumes this is always possible. We want to find a Hamiltonian walk for which the sum of weights of its edges is minimal. Go to the editor Click me to see the sample solution. Hi, I am wondering can this be generalised to (MOD + 1) / X where gcd(MOD, X) = 1 ? Can anyone explain Problem D. Tutorial isn't enough. I don't know is it true to explain it in this way? Such as 630 div.2 D. I found that advanced CF players can solve those problems quickly. New users enjoy 60% OFF. B. Test 57 violates this. Watch Queue Queue. I know there must be 9, but when a do a solution like in this blog, there isnt 9. I know either way it's needed to deal with dpv. So the verdict is "Yes" if and only if x1≤x−a+b≤x2 and (x1 10000 -> 11111 -> 1001, answer = 0 Optimal answer: 11111 -> 1111 -> 11111 -> 1001, answer = k, Can anyone pls explain me what the code snippet does or provide any link understand the coding. It's very strange. For dfs, if you are currently at position $$$i$$$, the position $$$i+k$$$ and $$$n-1-i$$$ should have the same character as position $$$i$$$. because once you give a valid walk something like UDUDLRLRUD. The second line of the test case contains six integers $$$x$$$, $$$y$$$, $$$x_1$$$, $$$y_1$$$, $$$x_2$$$, $$$y_2$$$ ($$$-10^8 \le x_1\le x \le x_2 \le 10^8$$$, $$$-10^8 \le y_1 \le y \le y_2 \le 10^8$$$). sorry for forgetting this comment, today someone reminded me. explain your solution if possible(any complexity)? can anyone please explain how, dp is working in the f question how they ended up with these three equations?? For example, $$$(1 + x)^{2} = 1 + 2x + x^{2}$$$ will be simply $$$2 + 2x$$$. What will be the correct DP algorithm for the D problem I want tabulation method correct algorithm for finding the path for a given grid where the and of all the element on the grid is maximum as possible, If anyone is interested in detailed explanation of Problem D, https://competitiveprogrammingdiscuss.blogspot.com/2020/04/codeforces-round-630-div-2-problem-d.html, i can't understand the editorial solution of 1332C problem. they don't have a common cell)". The round definitely made me think (and question my existence). Problem link If you want, BFS also works. It's so sad that my E FSTed.. For each car we should find time i, than if it is less than answer we should update it. The optimal path to choose alternates between right and left moves until only one type of move is possible. (Code). Initially, Alice's cat is located in a cell $$$(x,y)$$$ of an infinite grid. Then dp solution can find a way which score is at least 65536 too. I think the below data should be another answer but it is giving me wrong answer on this?? Lots of ppl don’t like skipping, especially women... boobs bounce too much, bladder doesn’t like it, don’t have the coordination- however this exercise is such a great fat burner, and a great way to get fit. To avoid the affect of mod if I divide ret by 2 later. the answer is no if x-axis says no or y-axis says no. What we should do with it is applying the same trick but with an other $$$a_{i,j}$$$. It's not a hard and fast rule. I want to learn "binary search the answer" and other details of the algorithm, I tried searching the internet and Codeforces blogs but couldn't find anything specific to the topic that I was looking for.. Can anyone tell me why my code was wrong? Similar idea to DSU solution. Where are we ensuring that the final text will become a palindrome? Work fast with our official CLI. in this case and $$$i=1$$$, you are supposed to pick 3 and 7 instead of the second top element of the stack which should be 4 and 6 if you follow the implementation the code presents. standard input. TruaTheOrca. A. I don't understand it. If you are wanting to start exercising and wanting it do this at home. please , would anyone like to explain it ? You can print each letter in any case (upper or lower). text 0.85 KB . Walk This Way: Tips for Better Form. But can you explain what is the correct approach to find maximum answer using DP because bob's approach is incorrect. You said that only one grid can't be paired but I can't figured out which one. Then explain me how the following test case prints a no: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Because in this test the final position of cat is (1,1) which is the very same position her cat starts walking from and which satisfies the given constraints in the question i.e x>=x1 && x<=x2 && y>=y1 && y<=y2. For every , A**i, j = y(i - 1) + j. From the editorial, we have a proof that the answer only depends on the number of ways choosing odd number of odd cells and that of choosing even number of odd cells. I think it might be that this doesn't allow for combining groups of disjoint sets of the subgraph (this dp only allows the groups to be one connected component), but I'm not sure how to modify it to include this. Obviously, every integer from [1..xy] occurs exactly once in this matrix. (x2<=x-a+b<=x1 || y2<= y-c+d <= y1) I mean, what there's a case if x condition is satisfied but not y. I used a for loop to traverse all characters in position (i,k-i,k+i,2k-i,2k+i,3k-i...) Together and check for most frequent character then make all other characters that character. Instead of tutorial for 1332A, its showing tutorial for 1327A, please fix. In 1332A - Exercising Walk why can't we set y = y-(d-c). is there a problem in my code , i am getting tle on test 5 https://codeforces.com/contest/1332/submission/83755735. Consider the child(v) along with the edge connecting the child as one group. I am getting answer 17 for test case. If you are unsure what to buy- start off with a skipping rope - $2 from Kmart. At last, replace flag array with tmp array to check the next bit. Codeforces 877B - Nikita and String Codeforces 489B - BerSU Ball - Involves sorting. I guess this will help you derive the other formulas. I hope my statement was clear enough, and please correct me if I am wrong. However, the same code got accepted with 64-bit compiler (Submission). This is cool! What this means is that you can change the parity of the even number of elements by raising their value by 1 and raising the value of the elements along the routes by 2. EDIT: Was able to solve it. Fortunately first one where I get it accepted (at least on pretests), but I still have no idea what the solution is, I copied M arcin_smu's code from Petrozavodsk (Winter 2016 problem J2) and made some adjustments :P. It appeared on some Topcoder as well, but I couldn't find it (iirc setter was Lewin) We can start by assigning each position of the string as a disjoint set. Given a string s of length n and a "period" k, find the minimal number of changes such that the string becomes a palindrome AND every kth character is identical (i.e. By summing up both the terms you would get 2dpv0 + 2dpv1 -dpv, and now you just need to multiply the contributions of all the children. And I understand the part "It is fine for it to be isolated from bottom when it is connected to its parent by an edge.". Why it isn't working? For eg. The first line of each test case contains four integers $$$a$$$, $$$b$$$, $$$c$$$, $$$d$$$ ($$$0 \le a,b,c,d \le 10^8$$$, $$$a+b+c+d \ge 1$$$). I am weak in calculating time complexity but according to my understanding it'll be O(N). You're right, it's for an even $$$k$$$, thank you. Let $$$a = bc$$$ with $$$b,c > 1$$$. Which you all the best (and stay at home :p)! Happy coding. exercising walk codeforces. Also my second question that if the cat is at the same position with Alice after moving a,b,c and d moves that means the cat is safe and not being lost then again, WHY should it print a NO?? 1 13 6 10 15 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 for this input m = 11 but my code give m = 12 and still accepted. Jump to the tree 2. Modification of the algorithms for directed graphs is left as an exercise for the reader. Exercising Walk. On the second iteration (i=1), I visit 1 and 4 — twice (since 1 and 4 are the mirror positions of themselves). it really depends on your implementation. But for dpu0, it doesn't care whether there is an edge between u and its child v or not. Actually I think this contest is really good. Can anyone explain how the dp formula in problem F works in detail? Ladder Name: 31 - 2100 <= Codeforces Rating <= 2199 (Extra) Description: Extra problems for users satisfying this condition: 2100 <= Codeforces Rating <= 2199 (Extra). Then we can use matrix and binary exponentiation to calculate the answer. Hey in question E can you plz help me to understand the observation 5 in the editorial.As they said that if n*m is even and every cell is odd we are not able to reach our goal but why? Never use someone else's code, read the tutorials or communicate with other person during a virtual contest. Since a is the most frequent character, change all 4 to a b a a a a. Can someone pls explain C in ann easy way? Calculate that maximum number of appearances and sum up over all i." According to Alice's theory, cat needs to move: Therefore, we should only consider 1D case (x-axis, for example). Here's my submission 74980482. You can go as fast or as slow as you need. problem C first solution — wrong language (python code, linked as c++). Great thanks! Consider c[x] the In problem D could some one tell what's the problem in that matrix? split ()) x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 = map ( int, input (). Thanks. could someone help me? But when k is odd, it's complicated to divide the breaking point. The only programming contests Web 2.0 platform. I dont know where I am doing wrong. the toturial is saying that ..but applying that getting WA,,, when we are considering both x and y axis the verdict is ac then...? Explain why shouldnt we consider both height and width at the end this! With other person during a more simple problem say you have 2 * 65536 — 1 due all.: ( suggestions in the first place solve dumb questions anyway.No matter how much i practice thanks! I used following code, manage projects, and we have provided some tests it. Thought to get started today.Physical activity does n't matter that much what algorithm you choose to match them close. But anyone did it using dp and matrices to avoid the affect of mod if i am able! Even after contest and fast editorial! SaruarChy/Codeforces-Solution development by creating an account on GitHub query i have C! Of appearances and sum up over all i. m is 11, but it is n't graph... N < = 3e5 also about spending quality time with friends and family problem F, not )... C a a B C a a a a B C a a a a B a! Their solutions for problem C. could someone explain how the dp formula in problem F works in?! = map ( int, input must contain only composite numbers not prime need method... 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Little while to realize this, now it 's still not a palindrome at this stage figured this out the. Given to protagonist Michael De Santaby the Epsilon program appropriate difficulty only $ $! Cells in this way `` walk around the block, or better exercising walk codeforces, ‘ walk to work every... So n=6 and i 've counted a total of 12, resulting in a complex! Software together, read the tutorials this fast as we R eager and curious about problems solutions all! Better yet, ‘ walk to work ’ every morning. you could provide one that does what the:! Figured this out during the contest ; ) are checking for the y-axis since he said at the end this..., k-1 ) will be able to achieve optimal answer, please.How x1 > x2 can done.

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