In J. H. Harvey (Ed.). Psychology, as a science of human behavior, has long been afflicted by fragmentation, and no particular theory has emerged as having clear integrative promise. Biophilia: The human bond with other species. Well-being has different meanings in different cultures, and instead of imposing Western standards, environmental psychology should contribute more to identifying culturally specific standards to enable the construction of modular spaces to satisfy diversified needs. The third section takes three key theoretical perspectives that have informed environmental psychology—determinism, interactionalism, and transactionalism—and uses these as an organizing framework to examine various theories used by environmental psychologists: arousal theory, environmental load, and adaptation level theory within a behaviorist and determinist paradigm; control, stress adaptation, behavioral elasticity, cognitive mapping, and environmental evaluation within an interactionist paradigm; and behavior settings, affordance theory and theories of place, place identity, and place attachment within transactionalism. Environmental Psychology Paper Robyn A. Cole August 13, 2012 PSY 460 Edward A. Muhammad, M.S. Furthermore, these same places have a future that, for example, through anticipatory representations may guide our actions (Doise, 1976). It is constantly conveying meanings and messages and is an essential part of human functioning and an integral part of human action. Lynch’s study of The Image of the City (1960), although by an urban planner, was another major landmark in the early years of environment-behavior research. Hostile aggression thus becomes more frequent. There are various possibilities—the type of spaces will depend on the type of work and how it can be undertaken effectively. Horswill, M. S., & McKenna, F. P. (1999). The trend now is for proactive, consensus-building approaches that attempt to involve people in the decision-making process itself. B. (2001). Although these improvements are initially more expensive, some community programs have offered significant financial incentives for such improvements, including subsidies and large rebates. The varying scales at which environmental psychologists work, as we have seen, assume different models of man, make different assumptions about people-environment and environment-behavior relations, require different methodologies, and involve different interpretive frameworks. The open classroom emerged in the 1960s and 1970s when educational scholars suggested that the traditional classroom engendered boredom and restricted student creativity and spontaneity, both considered important to the learning process. The affordances of the home, neighbourhood, school and town centre for adolescents. Humans have evolved as a social species, which means that a substantial part of the environment for each of us is made up of other people. 479-189). Dunlap, R. E., Van Liere, K. D., Mertig, A. G., & Jones, R. E. (2000). Gary (1996, para 1-10) notes that various aspects of environmental psychology have been utilized in psychology through increased publication and submission of journals to various branches of psychology including the Journal of Environmental Psychology and the Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. Gifford (2000) argued that we need more challenging, bolder theories. . Long before humans drove cars and operated ATMs and cell phones, we learned to make a living in the outdoors, protecting ourselves from the elements, fending off predators, fashioning shelter from locally acquired materials, and hunting and foraging for our food. On the other hand, understimulation may occur in certain environments such as the Arctic that cause unease and depression (Suedfeld & Steel, 2000). Measuring endorsement of the new ecological paradigm: A revised NEP Scale. It assumes that there is an intermediate level of stimulation that is individually optimal. In S. Wapner, S. B. Cohen, & B. Kaplan (Eds.). People therefore feel neither personally responsible for the problems nor in control of the solutions. Many of the behavioral observations conducted there occurred in human-made structures, such as classrooms, churches, and gymnasiums. Environmental Psychology For more than the past ten years, the field of psychology has covered drawn out analysis and delved into the correlation among human beings and the environment. Because the environment is a large and inclusive variable, you’d expect research in environmental psychology to cut a wide swath, and that’s a fair assessment of research in this discipline over the last 35 years. Stokols, D., & Shumaker, S. (1981). One way of responding to Gifford’s plea for bolder theories is to extend our understanding of context. Ecology and motivation. Evans, G., & Cohen, S. (1987). The environmental movement captured the attention of a generation of Americans, and psychologists were no exception. Local agendas are increasingly informed by global perspectives and processes (Lechner & Boli, 1999). Education for environmental action in the community: New roles and relationships. This is most clearly evident in aggressive behaviors (Moser, 1984). Research paper on environmental psychology Discover natural approaches to help you live free from joint pain as you age. Wohlwill, J. F. (1974). The relationship to the environment (at every spatial level—home, neighborhood, city, nation, planet) is mediated by the individual’s and the group’s sense of control. On the other hand, the lack of free time available to people living in suburbs has an impact on residents’ relationships with neighbors (Moser, 1997). For example, as it is not possible to understand the architecture and spatial layout of a church, mosque, or synagogue without reference to the liturgical precepts that influenced their design, so it is no less possible to understand any landscape without reference to the different social, economic, and political systems and ideologies that inform them. If you are a citizen of a modern, industrialized nation, it may be difficult for you to envision a world in which humans didn’t flush toilets, turn up thermostats, receive calls on cell phones, and collect money from drive-thru ATMs. In other words, the researcher thought that taking photographs of the classrooms could provide an objective and impartial view of the environment. More recent research has indicated that offering defensible space, improving lighting, and allowing residents to personalize both the interior and exterior of their residences through paint, landscaping, and decoration increase both the sense of ownership and perceptions of safety. In D. Stokols & I. Altman (Eds.). Spencer and Woolley (2000), for example, argued that children gain their personal identity through place attachment. A hospital operating room, after all, supports an entirely different kind of activity than does a kindergarten classroom, and we’d expect the design features of these separate environments to be quite disparate. Get discount 10% for the first order. Environmental psychology. A comparison of behavior at the same site but under different environmental conditions (noisy-quiet, highlow density) shows a more marked negative effect in the case of high noise and high density (Moser, 1992). Perceptions of air pollution are also important because they influence people’s responses to certain strategies for air pollution management. Within transactionalism the environment has a physical manifestation in order to confer meaning in the first place. It is difficult, of course, to draw comparisons between correlational studies utilizing largely archival data and experimental studies in which subjects are deliberately exposed to temperature ranges, and the behavior being measured is artificial, such as choosing to deliver shock or some other aversive stimulus to a fellow subject. We illustrate this by examining one setting—the workplace. The effects of extreme weather conditions—wind, heat or extreme cold—as, for example,investigatedbySuedfeldandothersinAntarcticsurvey stations, have demonstrated various impacts on individuals (Suedfeld,1998;Weiss,Suedfeld,Steel,&Tanaka,2000).The effect of seasonal daylight availability on mood has been described as seasonal affective disorder (Rosenthal et al., 1984). Researchers also attempted to apply basic behavior principles, such as modeling, feedback, and reinforcement, to encourage proenvironmental behaviors, such as ride sharing or car pooling, energy conservation, and recycling. In addition, severe disruptions in mating, reproductive, and parenting behaviors have been observed. ), Weiss, K., Suedfeld, P., Steel, G. D., & Tanaka, M. (2000). It may also be that those who have the task of drawing upon and implementing the results of environmental psychological and other behavioral science research become frustrated at the amount of time, financial resources, and effort that go into generating marginal increases in the amount of variance explained in a set of data. If psychological processes are molded and influenced by their social context, then changing social structures and regulatory mechanisms will affect those processes and have a consequent effect on the individual, the group, and the environment. Using the affordance approach but including categories on social affordances and nature, Kyttä found that the number of positive affordances was highest in the rural area and lowest in the city. Hall, E. T. (1966). Cognitive maps in rats and men. Currently there is a preference for homogenization of populations within neighborhoods. For instance, particularly loud sounds, similar to those produced by rock concerts and jets taking off, can lead to hearing loss, high blood pressure, and poor academic performance, especially with prolonged exposure. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt College Publishers. Numerous studies, for instance, have assessed the consequences of increased social density among animals living both in the wild and in laboratory settings. Ratiu, E., & Lévy-Leboyer, C. (1993). Biophilia, biophobia, and natural landscapes. It’s important to remember that environmental psychology is a varied landscape, because of both the tremendous diversity of research topics addressed and the flexibility and methodological ingenuity often required to bring these topics under scientific scrutiny. Environmental psychology adds an important dimension to social psychology by making sense of differences in behavior and perception according to contextual variables—differences that can be explained only by reference to environmental contingencies. On the other hand, it has been suggested that people are only able to relate to environmental issues if they are concrete, immediate, and local. Is the organization prepared to accept that employees have different working styles and that these should be catered to in the provision of space and facilities? The feeling of being at home is closely connected to a feeling of well-being and varies with the extent of the spatial representation of the neighborhood. Occasionally humans, like other animals, encounter dramatic and often life-threatening changes in their surrounding environment, severely taxing their ability to cope. A., & Lanius, U. F. (1984). In fact, research by behavioral scientists has long shown that violence occurs with greater frequency during what we call the “long, hot summer” than at other times of the year. Wilson and others suggest that our very brief experience with technology and industrialization has done little to alter our belongingness to a different kind of ecosystem, one defined by rain, wind, grass, trees, and rock. The Extent and Limits of Flexibility. There are many ways of looking at the relationship between corporate culture and physical facilities. There are clearly difficulties in accessing the past from a psychological point of view (Lowenthal, 1985; Uzzell, 1998). (1949). Although we agree with Proshansky that self theorists have neglected the physical environment, we would suggest that rather than there being a separate part of identity concerned with place, all aspects of identity will, to a greater or lesser extent, have place-related implications.Although place identity is seen to be a crucial part of the relationship between self and environment, Proshansky never really operationalized the concept. On the other hand, if the event cannot be controlled in any way, emotion-focused coping may actually prove more adaptive. Barker, R. G. (1960). Sustainable development and quality of life: Expected effects of prospective changes in economic and environmental conditions. It is here that we can see the value of research in suggesting prescriptive roles and functions for an environmental psychology that should be taken seriously by policy makers and practitioners alike. For instance, suppose you are standing in line at a movie theater and the person in front of you steps backward, landing on your toe. Workers frequently complain most about temperature, which might be due to the relatively low tolerance humans have for changes in optimal ambient temperatures. It is important for the individual to be able to organize and personalize space. In other words, environmental psychology is not an independent discipline. An important point to keep in mind is that these physical features of the work environment interact substantially with the kinds of tasks required of workers in any particular environment. What is the influence of the environment or behavior setting on people? In response the individual judges the stimulus as being weak, average and tolerable, or strong. In D. Jones & A. J. Chapman (Eds.). The impact of environmental psychology may be enhanced if researchers work within the larger cultural and temporal context that conditions people’s perceptions and behaviors within any given environment. Indeed, Barker, who died in 1990, lived out the rest of his life in Midwest. A transactional approach to interpersonal relations: Physical environment, social context and temporal qualities. In a nearly unprecedented campaign of aggression and imperialism, Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich marched across and laid waste to much of Europe during the 1930s. Moser, G., & Lévy-Leboyer, C. (1985). the values, preferences, or significations attached to the place). Lowenthal,D. Quality of life standards are culturally determined. Understanding and designing the environment for human activity can be achieved only when both the environment and the user are considered together as one transaction. Suedfeld, P. (1998). One of the simplest ways to find a great topic is to choose an interesting person in the history of psychology and write a paper about them. A good example of the effect of environmental context on human attitudes and behaviors in an institution-person setting can be found in Rosengren and DeVault’s (1970) study of the ecology of time and space in an obstetric hospital.They found that both the attitudes and behaviors of all the protagonists involved in the process of delivering a baby—the mother, nurses, doctors—were a function not only of where they were situated but also of when they were situated there. Human ingenuity led to such hallmark accomplishments as science, religion, and industrialization. Three phenomena—mass media coverage of environmental issues, the growth in environmental organizations, and the placing of environmental issues on international political agendas—have, intentionally or unintentionally, emphasized the seriousness of global as opposed to local or even national environmental problems. Sherrod, D. R., & Dowes, R. (1974). Long-term change and development will come about only through informed community action, rather than a dependency relationship on experts and technological-fix solutions. The emergence of environmental psychology as a scientific field during the late 1960s can be traced to both social events and academic developments. In ECMT (Ed. Conflicting interpretations of architecture: An empirical investigation. Environmental psychology deals with the relationship between individuals and their life spaces. The aim is to measure the qualities of an environment by experts or by actual or potential users. Moore, E. O. This becomes more important than ever in the context of an increasingly mobile (forced or voluntary) society. Context is an inseparable part of the explanation of people’s transactions with the environment. (1993). Such programs are recurrent activities, regularly performed by persons holding specific roles. Nasar, J. L. (1984). Besides the home and neighborhood environments, other domains involve a problematic congruence between people and their environment (e.g., work, classroom, and institutional environments such as hospitals, prisons, and homes for children or the elderly). One might well imagine, for example, a school landscape that looks extremely tidy, well kempt, with clear demarcation of spaces, producing a controlled and undifferentiated environment with easy surveillance, and with learning and other activities taking place in predetermined spaces. Uzzell, D. L. (2000b). The social psychology of pro-environmental action. The first could be referred to as place identification. Wellbeing depends on the satisfaction of culturally determined needs. At the neighborhood level, well-being depends on how the immediate environment is able to satisfy the specific needs of culturally different people, thereby providing opportunities for appropriation. Three types of stressors can be distinguished: cataclysmic events (e.g., volcanic eruptions, floods, earthquakes), personal life events (e.g., illness, death, family or work problems), and background conditions (e.g., transportation difficulties, access to services, noise, crowding). Having freedom of action or controlling one’s environment seems to be an important aspect of everyday life and individuals’well-being. Van Lange, P. A. M., Van Vugt, M., Meertens, R. M., & Ruiter, R. A. We build our homes in natural enclaves, on treed lots when possible, or next to lakes, ponds, or streams. Handbook of environmental psychology. How much control does the organization currently exert over its employees’ use of time and space? Outside the laboratory, the constant mobilization of coping processes, for example, for those living near airports produces fatigue and lowers the capacity to face new stressful situations (Altman, 1975). Increasing population mobility also raises questions concerning the rhythm of life and its consequential territorial implications. This assumption is wrong and indicates a common misunderstanding of probability. We review some of these and suggest how recent definitions are beginning to adopt a more inclusive, holistic, and transactional perspective on people-environment relations. It was suggested at the beginning of this research paper that the context—the environment—in which people act out their lives is a critical factor in understanding human perceptions, attitudes, and behavior. Furthermore, the increase in regional, national, and international forced or voluntary mobility (e.g., political refugees and asylum seekers, economic migration of job-seeking populations, and executives dislocated by their companies) exacerbates confrontations between cultures with different needs, values, and customs. Evaluations can be carried out either in the environment that is being evaluated or through simulations. Residents of large cities walk faster in the street and demonstrate greater withdrawal than do those living in small towns: They look straight ahead, only rarely maintain eye contact with others, and respond less frequently to the various requests for help from other people. Annual Review of Psychology, 47, 485-512. InA. However, if one switches to another model of the child—the child as a stimulus-seeking learner—then the sterile, formal, and rigid landscape just described would seem like an inappropriate place for learning. Perception, attitudes, and behavior concerning the environment differ from one culture to another to the extent that they are modulated by environmental variations, the resources available, and the societal context, including values, regulations, infrastructure, and opportunities for action (LévyLeboyer, Bonnes, Chase, Ferreira-Marques, & Pawlik, 1996). The issues at the forefront of the political and environmental agenda at the beginning of the twenty-first century—human rights, well-being and quality of life, globalization, and sustainability—need to be addressed and tackled by environmental psychologists in a way that incorporates both cross-cultural and temporal dimensions. Donnerstein, E., & Wilson, D. W. (1976). The consequence of understaffing is that people have to work harder and must endorse a greater range of different roles in order to maintain the functioning of the setting. The huge cities that many modern humans inhabit, with millions of residents, represent a very recent aberration in living conditions for our species. Lewin is often credited with training many of the scientists who would shape the early discipline of social psychology, including Harold Kelley, Leon Festinger, and Roger Barker. Stamps (1990) conducted a meta-analysis of research that had previously used simulated environments to measure perceptions of real versus photographed environments (e.g., presented as slides, color prints, and black-and-white prints). The most recent of these can be found in the fifth edition of Bell, Greene, Fisher, and Baum’s (2001) textbook Environmental Psychology. The question the perceiver asks in appraising a landscape is not just “Do I like the appearance of this landscape?” but also “What can this landscape do for me (i.e., what function does it serve)?” (Lee, 2001). ...Environmental Psychology Paper Robyn A. Cole August 13, 2012 PSY 460 Edward A. Muhammad, M.S. The environmental movement that began in the 1970s was caused by a confluence of events. This ambition is quite explicitly stated in the major textbooks within the field, as well as the discipline’s flagship journals, Environment and Behavior and Journal of Environmental Psychology. However, when the quality of affordances was analyzed, there were no differences between the areas for 8 out of the 11 affordance categories. Increased social density is generally perceived as aversive by human beings, and physiological measures exhibit an enhanced stress response similar to that found in nonhumans. As Bonnes and Secchiaroli (1995) pointed out, to live in an environment does not mean structuring experiences only with respect to its physical reality. Besides key concepts like performers who carry out the primary tasks and the nonperformers who observe, the minimum number of people needed to maintain the functioning of a behavior setting is called the maintenance minimum, and the maximum is called its capacity. This is how your paper can get an A! On the otherhand, school traffic is often seen as one of the most important causes of transport problems. What factors are important in people’s evaluations of the built and natural environment, and how satisfied are they with different environments and environmental conditions? Using the principle of elasticity from solids mechanics to characterize the adaptive capacities of individuals exposed to environmental constraints, three essential behavioral specificities as a consequence of changing environmental contingencies can be distinguished: (a) a return to an earlier state (a point of reference) in which constraints were not present, (b) the ability to adapt to a state of constraint as long as the constraint is permanent, and (c) the existence of limits on one’s flexibility. Groups will have difficulties asserting their rights when the allocation processes and agendas are structured by others. Rivlin, L. G., & Rothenberg, M. (1976). Lee, T. R. (1968). In M. Segaud (Ed.). Because a typical human life span is about 75 years, and most of us have grown up in a world populated by technological gadgetry, it may be challenging to appreciate that our dependence on machinery and designed environments is a very recent development in human history. To what extent are employees permitted to modify their own environment so that it enables them to do their job more effectively? It is used to confer meaning, to promote identity, and to locate the person socially, culturally, and economically. In D. Jodelet (Ed.). Suppose you live in an apartment complex and your next-door neighbor, a classical music buff, loves to blare Beethoven on his sound system on Sunday evenings. This review of environmental psychology looks to the past, present, and future of this growing and important area of psychology. Hubbard, P. (1996). These visionaries began to document the extent to which modern technology, especially as used by industrialized nations, led to rapid deforestation, depletion of natural resources, and air and water pollution. On the social level, the environmental crisis of the 1960s raised public awareness about the adverse health and social impact of overpopulation, environmental pollution, interracial tensions, and urban conflict. A series of conceptual considerations have been proposed to understand the consequences of these stressors for typical urban behavior, such as paying less attention to others and being less affiliative and less helpful. Paradoxically, although considered to be a major source of congestion, school traffic is not seen as a major source of pollution (Gatersleben & Uzzell, 2000). Such things as square footage, location in the community, type of materials used to construct the house, landscaping, and lot size all help to paint a picture of the homeowner. Psychological maps of Paris. Within such an arrangement staff cannot claim territorial rights over specific spaces but are regarded as temporary lodgers for as long as they need that space: informal privacy spaces for talking to clients and colleagues; quiet, comfortable spaces for writing reports; workstations for undertaking word processing and data analysis; meeting rooms for discussing issues with colleagues; small refreshment areas for informal socializing; and quiet, private telephone suites for confidential matters. Affordances are ecological resources from a functional point of view. This is another variant of the failing identified in the previous paragraph. ), on the other hand, refer typically to an interactionist rationale of individual-environment relations. Authority (i.e., who managed the mother’s labor and delivery) was not so much a function of a formal position in the hierarchy but of where each person was at a particular time and who controlled that space. While attention is mostly given to attitude change and modifying behavior in particular situations, the stability over time of these behaviors is rarely analyzed. Seating arrangements correlate strongly with the pattern of conversation occurring at the table. Others may be 24-7 environments such as shopping malls and airports that are open and used every hour of the day, every day of the year. Environment and Behavior, 22, 436-457. Newell, P. B. While sitting at your desk, writing a term paper for class, you may be quite narrowly focused on the computer monitor, books, notes, and coffee cup that immediately envelop you as you work. ), The biophilia hypothesis (pp. (1972). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Most of us have little difficulty appreciating our bipedal posture and opposable thumb as products of our evolutionary history, but the machinations of natural selection have similarly shaped our central nervous system, thus impacting how we perceive and respond to the world around us. Individuals exposed to such situations engage in coping processes. Are they the same everywhere? This finding is, in fact, the relationship demonstrated in many of the large-scale studies looking at crime data. To achieve remarkable control over the life cycle judged against a personal norm of exposure culture. An empirical investigation to assess the influence of stressors is well poised to benefit from such cross-fertilization planning: ’... And institutions is necessary in order to secure action opportunities undertaken to study reactions this! School populations increase social density, leading to greater anonymity, less personal responsibility and the regulation of drive. 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