Genus: Rocio 8. The Jack Dempsey Rocio octofasciata (previously Cichlasoma octofasciatum) was described by Regan in 1903. The Dempsey fish are egg layers. The female will lay 500-800 eggs on carefully cleaned rocks. Aquariums are closed systems and regardless of size all need some maintenance. I can send to any country, all legal documents paper ready to run. It's approximately 4.5" long and the bag description said 2 years old. Fish information on the types of cichlids from Lake Tanganyika, Tropheus Cichlids, Frontosa, Goby Cichlids, Shelldwellers and more, habitats and cichlids tanks for Tanganyika Cichlids. The author has successfully kept an adult Electric Blue Jack Dempsey with a 12" Peacock Eel, a 10" Chocolate Plecostomus, and a 4" Upside-down Catfish for several years. Temperature: 72 – 86 Deg. Fish information on habitats and keeping African cichlid tanks for Lake Victoria Cichlids, Mbipi rock-dwelling cichlids, East and West African Cichlids, and African Dwarf Cichlids. The fry that are born as Electric Blues are very fragile and slow growing. Besides their beauty, their personality will win your heart. There is the chance you could do both a blue acara and a jack dempsey in the same tank, it would be fairly risky and depend on the aggressiveness of the Jack dempsey but the combination isn't unheard of. The electric blue variation is  typically a gentle fish. The Electric Blue variation and the Pinkish Electric Blue variation seem to have a smaller maximum size, and they are usually not as aggressive. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a freshwater fish that originates in the murky warm waters of Central America. However this variety is a little smaller reaching closer to the 8 inches (20 cm) in length, rather than the almost 10 inches (25 cm) of a full size Jack Dempsey fish. They inhabit bogs and other warm, slow moving, and swampy waters, living among weedy areas with sandy or muddy bottoms. Electric blue Jack Dempsey. The male has a longer and more pointed dorsal fin than the female. It has a base color of electric blue to gray, and displays many iridescent blue and green spots, giving this fish a spectacular look. Profiles Reviews Guides for Tropical and Marine, Common Name: Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, EBJD, Average Adult Fish Size: 10 inches / 25 cm. A new breed of the Jack Dempsey fish has been discovered that has a genetic mutation that causes it to be a much brighter shade of blue, leading to the new Jack’s distinction as the Electric Blue Jack. All rights reserved. Though the Blue Dempsey is relatively easy to breed, it does take a considerable amount of time, luck, and a well designed aquarium set up, so these fish are rather rare and quite a bit more expensive than many other tropical fish, include the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey's progentitor species, the Jack Dempsey. One of the greatest things about the Jack Dempsey Cichlid and the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid is that they both are full of personality. But just like its progenitors, it likes a tank bottom of fine sand to burrow in and create nests out of. This is natural genetic mutation. While male and female Jack Dempseys look similar as juveniles and adults, they are … ... Electric blue jack dempsey flashing. They have a dark brown background contrasted with brilliant metallic and iridescent blue flecks. Albino stingrays and Black Diamond X Super White cross rays. The electric blue Jack Dempsey is one of the most recent and spectacular genetic mutations to come into the tropical fish hobby. Your Jack Dempsey fish will grow between 10-15 inches, with females growing a little shorter. Breeding the average cichlid is fairly easy. Feeding. When performing the water changes always use a gravel cleaner to make sure all of the decomposing organic matter that has built up is removed. Jack Dempsey (1895-1983) was an American heavyweight boxer, world champion for much of the 1920s and a cultural icon of the time, thus his name was apparently used for R. octofasciatadue to its ‘strong facial features’ and pugnacious nature. They have been bred to have vibrant and wildly colorful. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a freshwater fish that originates in the murky warm waters of Central America. The mutation in them may mean that some will not live very long despite your best effort. In the wild, This beauty is found in the waters of Honduras and Mexico. So having room in my 90g I bought 11 of them. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey: Sex? Rocks should be placed so territories are spread out. I should love these stunning fish but, I’m quite turned off. Place the plants around the inside perimeter leaving an open area in the center for swimming. It is believed this may be caused by a nutritional deficiency of one or more of: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, calcium, or phosphorus. It has a dark brown background that is covered with brilliant metallic and iridescent blue flecks. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a rewarding specimen for the aquarist as it is moderately easy to keep as long as the aquarium is maintained. The fry are kept in pits and are guarded by both the male and female in the manner of "monogamous cichlid" breeders. bes 480.243-7351 bes, Photo © Animal-World: Courtesy David Brough, Freshwater Aquarium Setup and Maintenance, Online Dictionary of Aquatic Science Terms, Dr. each one. Dec 17, 2014 - Find Cash Advance, Debt Consolidation and more at Piranhas, one of the most efficient predators with razor sharp teeth and a ferocious nature. Call for pricing on larger sizes. Regards, Looking for Aba Aba any size willing to pay a reasonable fee for one or two, I am very familiar with these guys and have the tank space, They will mate and produce wigglers, and then the wigglers will die. Ones that don’t have the usual coloration that the regular fish does. A member of the Cichlidae family, which also includes angelfish and discus, the Jack Dempsey fish, or Rocio octofasciata, is native to Central America in places like Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. Mendel is credited with discovering genetics. The plants should be potted to protect the roots. They can thrive in a wide range of water conditions, but if you want any other fish in your aquarium, you'll have to plan its setup carefully. Fish Information for African Cichlids - Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Victoria, West African Cichlids, and Dwarf Cichlids including cichlid care, cichlid breeding, and fish diseases. A bright blue variant normally referred to as ‘electric blue Jack Dempsey’ or simply ‘EBJD’ is of unclear origin but it appears to be an ornamental strain fixed from a natural mutation. Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 45 gallon / 180 litre for one, 75 gallon / 300 litre or larger for a full grown pair. Bobby Sydnor Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid - Nandopsis octofasciatum. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey fish variety is a bit smaller than regular Jack Dempseys but has an iridescent “electric blue” color. Explore orlando c's photos on Flickr. i got him at my lfs. A minimum 40 gallon aquarium is suggested, though a larger tank would be suggested if keeping them in a semi-aggressive community tank with other like sized fish. Almost all the Blue Dempseys for sale will be captive bred, which requires a significant amount of time and resources, so they are rather expensive. Female against male for the sole reason of determining if one or the other is capable or “worthy” of being a mate and breeding. Scientific Name: Nandopsis Octofasciatum. Adorned in brilliant blue, this showcase cichlid is typically smaller and reported to be less aggressive than its popular counterpart. They get along very well. 3 inches / 7.5 cm or more of  medium sand or gravel is required as they like to dig. This is a period where the female beings to develop eggs and the male is tasked with preparing a home. Jack Dempsey cichlids are a striking and popular aquarium fish -- large, bold and colorful in appearance; highly territorial and aggressive in character. They are named after the legendary boxing champion Jack Dempsey because they can be that aggressive. ), fungal infections, and bacterial infections. This variety is thought to be either a morph of wild types developed through selective breeding. This dazzling fish is a naturally occurring variant of the Jack Dempsey, an American cichlid. Maximum Size: In aquariums they can grow to be about 8" long. Those that do become the beautiful and highly sought after Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. Gold Jack Dempsey that carry the Electric Blue Gene do not exhibit the coloration of the Electric Blue and the Platinum Jack Dempsey, but they are an important part of our breeding program that helps to strengthen our lines. Although Dempsey's can tolerate a fairly wide range of conditions, it has been suggested that warmer temperatures lead to more aggression in this fish. The Electric Blue was not bred in large numbers until recently (around 2005). Arowana fish and Lionfish for sale I breed all species of Arowana species for sale worldwide. I've kept both on multiple occasions. Theres quite a few stocking options. HLLE presents as cavities or pits on the head and face. They generally have a life span of 10 - 15 years. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is occasionally available online and in fish stores. I asked the clerk and said they were electric blue jack dempsey crossed with a jack dempsey fry. Even then the process is not over. It takes an experienced fish keeper to breed Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlids successfully because you have to be able to spot and separate the Electric Blues from the normal fry. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is fairly easy to care for provided its water is kept clean. Stressed fish will be lighter and their spots will be less striking. Or you could do a blue acara + another new world cichlid such as a firemouth. Breeding: The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid has been bred in captivity. Plants are appreciated but should be hardy, such as Sagittaria. This cichlid, true to its family, tends to be semi-aggressive and will appreciate being kept in a large aquarium with similarily sized and tempered tankmates. They are territorial and will eat smaller fish that they can swallow The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey: A Knockout Species. In the wild, this sparring may be to the death. Kingdom: Animalia 2. It will reach a maximum length of a little more than 8" (20 cm), or slightly smaller than its genetic progenitor,the Jack Dempsey.These fish are also called the Blue Dempsey, Electric Blue Dempsey, and Jack Dempsey Neon Blue. There is a popular blue variety of this species known simply as the electric blue Jack Dempsey. 1. Fish information and habitats for large Cichlid aquariums, types of cichlids like the Parrot Cichlid, Firemouth cichlid, Green Terror, Oscar, Texas Cichlid and more. Electric blue dempseys are nothing like reg dempseys. Powder Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlids, also known as the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey (EBJD), are very beautiful and will make an awesome addition to your tank! Though the Jack Dempsey Cichlid is one species, some breeders and other aquarists have developed different Jack Dempsey Cichlids. Species: R. octofasciata I understand that the Blues are less aggressive. Fish tank care. Origins. That being said, as this fish ages it can tend to become more territorial and aggressive, especially when it is time for them to spawn. This is no longer the case and in fact the fry which display the Electric Blue coloring usually sell for higher prices when mature. Contact me via email if interested in aquarium species Lake Malawi Cichlids known as Zebra Cichlids. The adult displays a magnificent blue coloration, and is definitely one of the 'bluest' freshwater fish in the hobby. Then only about 25% of your fry will be Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlids. It also needs plenty of hiding places among rocks and wood, and a cover of floating plants. In smaller tanks, (55 gallons-90 gallons) they are best kept alone. Jack Dempsey Fish Size. Their eye-catching appearance makes it very attractive with cichlid enthuasiasts! contact Their large size, combined with their aggressive territoriality, means they must have a large amount of space. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a naturally occurring color-morph of the Jack Dempsey which has often been bred in captivity. Care is as per the natural form although the blue fish tend to remain smaller and som… The majority of of problems that occur with tropical fish tanks usually come down to one cause, decomposing organic matter. Thus, it is best to either keep it singly or in a large group with only a few other tankmates. Behaviors: Jack Dempsey are usually very aggressive and … If they become too aggressive to cohabitat with the other members of the tank, it is recommended they be transfered to a species only tank. orlando c has uploaded 1034 photos to Flickr. The species has got Rocio name by the name of its describer’s wife; in Spanish “rocio” means “dew” and indicates the presence of sparklet-spots in the fish coloring.Specific name of the fish “octofasciata” comes from Latin words “octo” (eight) and “fascia” (a belt or a stripe) and it is translated as “eight-striped”.In fact the fish has definitely more than eight stripes on its body. Jungle's Pets and Animal Speak - Newsletter, Freshwater Aquarium Guide: Aquarium Setup and Care, Dr. For information about freshwater fish diseases and illnesses, see Aquarium Fish Diseases and Treatments. I have an interest in Dempseys because they are so beautiful especially the Blue Dempsey. Diagnose illness, chart symptoms, suggested medications, How to set up an aquarium for the best results. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a freshwater fish that originates in the murky warm waters of Central America. Fish information on Peacock Cichlids, Aulonocara types of cichlids from Lake Malawi, their habitats and keeping African cichlids tanks. Electric Blue Jack Dempsey or blue Cichlasoma (Rocio octofasciata) belong to the cichlid family, which is widespread among ornamental fish. The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey cichlid Rocio octofasciata cf. The Jack Dempsey Cichlid has a wide range of temperaments. The reality is that you can not. Any help with determining sex is greatly appreciated. Freshwater fish compatibility chart and characteristics of different types of fish. Will eat smaller fish, but this is not recommended as a consistent diet. It can be treated with the elevation of the tank temperature to 86° F (30° C) for a few days since they can tolerate higher temperatures. Other common names are Blue Dempsey, Electric Blue Dempsey, and Jack Dempsey Neon Blue. All, I'm new to the forum and new to the cichlid world. a pic of my electric blue jack dempsey. This is not the case and these cichlids appear in the wild and pass on the blue gene in their natural habitat. The reason that Electric Blue Jack Dempsey’s are so hard to breed is because they are a mutation of the species. -Enough that Jack Dempsey… know the electric blues live rather short lives, right?-Well the standard 8 to 10 years is able to get boring.. I’m good with a shorter span for a far more interesting and enjoyable fish.-This is precisely why I decided to go with the electric blue Acara, smaller, but also pretty. Then you have to become mother to these little guys and make sure they eat, clean their aquarium, and that they are healthy. Cichlid females often go in search for a mate and part of the attraction is how the male builds a home or cave. Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:23 pm. (previously Cichlasoma octofasciatum) is considered to be one of the most beautiful freshwater aquarium fish. One of the most popular tropical aquarium cichlids, the Jack Dempsey is named for its similarity, both in facial appearance and aggressive behavior, to the legendary boxer. They can grow quite large but are somewhat less aggressive than the Jack Dempsey. Jungle's YouTube Channel - Freshwater, Animal-World References: Freshwater Fish and Plants, The Guide to Owning Central American Cichlids, Encyclopedia Of Exotic Tropical Fishes For Freshwater Aquariums, Rocio octofasciata (Regan, 1903) Jack Dempsey, View (42) Animal Stories on Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, View (5) Buy/Sell requests on Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. Just picked this fish up over the weekend at auction, and am trying to sex it. Since they are omnivorous, the Electric Blue Jack Dempsey will generally eat all kinds of live, fresh, and flake or pelleted foods. Phylum: Chordata 3. The Internet is great for acronyms and this variety is often referred to online as the EBJD — Electric Blue Jack Dempsey. Copyright © [Animal-World] 1998-2020. They form a nuclear family. Subfamily: Cichlasomatinae 7. Unit conversion calculator for aquariums: How many gallons are in your aquarium, how many drops in a teaspoon, whats the difference between a US gallon and a UK gallon, not to mention liters? There is also a blue variant of this fish which commonly known as the blue Jack Dempsey or electric blue Jack Dempsey. Jack Dempsey Habitat and Tank Conditions The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid has been bred in captivity. With home aquariums the nitrate and phosphates build up over time and the water hardness increases due to evaporation. As adults, Jack Dempsey cichlids will be between 8 and 12 inches long. Hi everyone, I have a big prodcution of Arapaima gigas, 2680 units, around 13-15cm. A longer and more or you could mate two Electric blues and Find a mine! Units, around 13-15cm a female popular counterpart a magnificent Blue coloration and... 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