Close. Sett Top Lane. Tips. Garen usually has a slightly larger longest killing spree than his counter does. Why do people pick Grasp and Tp instead of Conqueror ignite into Nasus? Archived. Garen does a ok job of beating Nasus. Nasus vs. Garen Lane Matchup. IGNITE vs TELEPORT . Report. Dodge his projectiles if possible and don't try to trade with him at all till mid-late game when you have the advantage as long as he's not too fed. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. Garen. Garen vs Nasus. Hello, I am a Garen main asking for a asvice. 17 comments. Garen’s kill pressure in the early game can be difficult to handle if you’re playing as a tank. When Garen used at least these three pieces in his build, he performed much better versus Nasus than with most other typical item sets. Taking Ignite in the Nasus matchup means you HAVE to pressure incredibly hard level 1 and level 2. Respect his all-in and try and avoid trading with him unless his Q is down.. At level 6, Garen will gain access to his Ultimate R which can be used to execute enemies. Garen vs Nasus . Submitted By Flark0n. Highlights: Good KDA: 6/2/4, Killing spree: Dominating. Instead, we want to look at champions that — shocker — disrupt him. Darius' main weakness is how heavily he pushes the lane when he is harassing you. You counter his only form of crowd control, you can bully him easily since you're resourceless, you can mitigate his Q's with your W, and your ultimate counters his. For League of Legends on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Nasus Vs Garen:". 48.78%. Aatrox Top Lane. hide . We generate our counter stats from the millions of rated League of Legends rounds that we review each and every week. By default, Nasus vs Darius tips, stats, and build suggestions are displayed for all skill levels, merged. 4. ... 2 Garen is early stronger, don`t fight him 1 vs 1. Garen vs Nasus. No tips found. Q. W. E. R. Counter Champion; Strong against; Darius Win Ratio 47.13%: Counter Kayle Win Ratio 47.23% ... Nasus. Gangplank Top Lane. Why do people pick Grasp and Tp instead of Conqueror ignite into Nasus? IGNITE vs TELEPORT . To narrow the statistics and builds to a particular player tier, you can use the selection menu menu earlier in the guide. Instead, they are able to scale adequately off their abilities alone. All rights reserved. Renekton. So sánh đánh giá sức mạnh kèo đấu giữa Garen và Nasus tướng nào mạnh hơn solo 1vs1 ai sẽ thắng win ? Respect his all-in and try and avoid trading with him unless his Q is down.. At level 6, Garen will gain access to his Ultimate R which can be used to execute enemies. Garen Top Lane. Posted by 5 months ago. How to play against this champ? To have the best chance of annihilating Nasus as Garen, you should equip the Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Coup de Grace, Demolish, and Overgrowth runes. Top. Garen fairs better than Nasus until the big dog gets 1 or 2 full items and … Do not fight him when low, and definitely recall if you’re below 50% health as he might look for a trade. Any suggestions? See which champion is the better pick with our Garen vs Nasus matchup statistics. To have a stronger presence against Nasus as Garen, you need to be at least even or better. How to counter Nasus as Garen. Instead, we want to look at champions that — shocker — disrupt him. Force him to use his Judgment, so he`ll hit some minions and they`re pushing towards your tower and you can easily stack your Q. Garen vs Nasus. How We Analyze Our Matchups For this counter guide, we analyzed 17003 Dr. Mundo vs Garen matchups from recent LoL games. Unless Nasus gets a jungle babysit, you can definitely shut him down easily. A statistical breakdown of the Gangplank vs Nasus matchup in the Top Lane. We have also shown the best Nasus runes to counterpick against Garen to help you recognize how he will probably be played against your champion. Urgot Top Lane. ! save. In either case, work to outperform the averages shown here to do well. So I just wanted to say as a Bigbrain TopLaner (I Play mostly Garen and Nasus) I've been wondering. In a winning 1v1. Champions that don't acquire very much CS usually do not have to have much CS to be effective. Normally, Garen wins a acceptable 50.0% of games the champions fight one another in. You counter his only form of crowd control, you can bully him easily since you're resourceless, you can mitigate his Q's with your W, and your ultimate counters his. In Garen versus Nasus rounds, Garen’s team is 3.0% more likely to obtain first blood, implying that he most likely will get first blood against Nasus. Instead, they are capable of scaling fully off of their abilities alone. Nasus is a tank buster, so unless you are playing someone like Sion or Garen, stay away from the tanks. Nasus is a tank buster, so unless you are playing someone like Sion or Garen, stay away from the tanks. share. Garen Top vs Nasus Top Build & Runes Garen wins against Nasus 56.42 % of the time which is 6.50 % higher against Nasus than the average opponent. This Garen versus Nasus matchup review came out of an evaluation of 37,104 ranked games where both champions engaged one another. Riven Top Lane. 12,530 . How to play against this champ? Garen vs Nasus. Camille Top Lane. If you would like to get Garen vs Nasus tips and builds for a a distinct division, please select one from the selection menu menu above. If viewing for the first time, the statistics and strategies given are calculated using all games finished with both champions. Garen is actually a counter to Nasus due to his armor shred, not being reliant on autos, and the ability to remove withers slow, which is far and away the most dangerous part of it. 4,616. No tips found. Instead, they are able to scale adequately off of their abilities alone. Akali. If you follow these tips, you'll be able to rip through big doge while taking minimal smacks, since you can kite Nasus … Garen is Weak Against. The strongest counter would be Camille, a hard to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 51.63% (Good) and Play Rate of 4.68% (High). In Garen vs Nasus matchups, Garen usually earns a similar number of minion kills than Nasus. This pairing is somewhat uncommon. Around Level 9 you are stronger and can fight him Report. For this counter guide, we analyzed 37104 Garen vs Nasus matchups from recent LoL games. However, champions with a lot of CS, such as ADCs, typically have to have a lot of gold to be useful. Renekton Top Lane. Ornn Top Lane. Garen encounters Nasus in only 4.3% of his games. isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. Garen encounters Nasus in only 4.3% of his games. So yesterday, I played as a Nasus vs. a Garen. Jax Top Lane. Posted by 5 months ago. My Nasus Season 11 with 180ms Build vs a NA GAREN NA Ranking Ep #2 - LoL Ap Nasus s11 Gameplay Help our Community to reach 100.000 Fnatic BaLoRians Also LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more new and amazing content! This typically indicates different amounts of tankyness, but it can also indicate that the one champion has less agility and thus is not able to kite away from further damage when poked or engaged. 9 Comments. Garen vs Nasus. So I just wanted to say as a Bigbrain TopLaner (I Play mostly Garen and Nasus) I've been wondering. Deny him with as many stacks as you can by just poking him with your Q whenever he gets close. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Garen … Garen vs Nasus. 10. Garen vs Nasus. Commonly, Garen takes less damage than Nasus. Normally, Garen wins a acceptable 50.0% of games the champions fight one another in. Close. Volibear Top Lane. 100% Upvoted. Sorted By: 119. Mordekaiser Top Lane. How to beat Garen with Nasus Click here for How to beat Nasus with Garen. Garen. Nasus verliert die Lane gegen. ... NASUS Nasus is a very good matchup to take Phase Rush in because post level 6 he will probably have a good bit of Q stacks and he will try to all in constantly. 1. You have pretty much won. We use rigorous data cleaning and processing methods to ensure that our counter stats are of the highest quality. Garen does a ok job of beating Nasus. How to Nasus vs Garen? Fiora Top Lane. How to counter Akali as Garen. 4. Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! I have Glacial Shroud, he has Brutalizer and Chain Vest, we don't do any damage to each other, we just farm minions for ten minutes straight. Click the Tips button to view more or to submit a tip! Name Gold-Differenz @15; Irelia Top Lane. Farm minions by your tower. However, champs with large amounts of CS, such as ADCs, usually require a lot of gold to be effective. Champs who on average do not earn many minion kills usually do not require much CS to be useful. © 2021 MOBA Champion. 3 Comments. Garen vs Nasus . Follow me on TikTok for more Garen gameplay & clips! Garen is Weak Against. How to beat Nasus with Garen Click here for How to beat Garen with Nasus. If you want to filter the stats and builds to an individual skill level, you may use the selection menu menu above. I did okay I guess but it was kind of annoying, he just out damaged me, regen'd faster and could zone me more. Be the first to submit a counter tip! In Garen versus Nasus rounds, Garen’s team is 3.0% more likely to obtain first blood, implying that he most likely will get first blood against Nasus. Garen vs Nasus solo 1vs1 - ai mạnh hơn mùa 11 ? This thread is archived. Hello, I am a Garen main asking for a asvice. Very difficult for nasus, only if garen keep fighting. The subsequent tables feature several important Garen vs. Nasus counter statistics that may help you appreciate the distinctions between these two champions. Statistically, these counter picks have a Higher Win Rate in patch 11.2. If Nasus uses his ult, your ult will deal more damage. In Garen vs Sion matchups, Garen often totals a similar amount of CS than Sion. However, champions with scores of minion kills, such as hyper-carries, usually need a lot of gold to be useful. Once he made his first back way farther down it was even worst-__-. Tips. Be the first to submit a counter tip! Submitted By ErrorLolz. Start cloth tunic and 5 health potions for his poke rush boots of swiftness and frozen heart. Do not fight him when low, and definitely recall if you’re below 50% health as he might look for a trade. Top. In Nasus vs Garen matchups, Nasus usually tallies a similar amount of CS than Garen. Darius Top Lane. 9,134. And I saw many Garen "mains" who Play him to passive (even tho Garen is extremely strong and can be very aggresive) And a question. A statistical breakdown of the Nasus vs Garen matchup in the Top Lane. 74. You can use the filters at the top of the page to view the most relevant stats and items to your rank. You will die quickly from trades until around level 8/9 with plenty of stacks so basically ignore him unless he runs past your minions till then Report Please let us know what you think and how we can improve by clicking here. Garen's ability to pressure on his level spikes falls off after level 3 due to being forced to either level one of his two offensive abilities twice in order to keep up damage threat, or level his W - thereby losing out on offensive pressure. Unless Nasus gets a jungle babysit, you can definitely shut him down easily. SackBoi 7 years ago #1. report. See which champion is the better pick with our Nasus vs Gangplank matchup statistics. Garen Vs Nasus - Lol Wild RiftI'm not pro. Garen’s kill pressure in the early game can be difficult to handle if you’re playing as a tank. Nasus. Champs that do not earn a lot of minion kills typically don't have to have much CS to be effective. Statistically, these counter picks have a Higher Win Rate in patch 11.2. A statistical breakdown of the Nasus vs Garen matchup in the Top Lane. Out of all the runes players used for Garen vs Nasus face-offs, this blending of runes yielded the best win rate. After normalising both champions win rates Garen wins against Nasus 3.43 % more often than would be expected. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. Taking Ignite in the Nasus matchup means you HAVE to pressure incredibly hard level 1 and level 2 . I feel like the only way how to beat him is to put him as behind as possible because even with the smallest lead, he can just run me down with ghost even tho I have tabis and bramble vest. The Darius vs Garen matchup is notoriously hard for Garen to win since Darius is such a strong lane bully. Around lvl 4, we got a successful gank, at lvl 6, I got caught by his full combo once, but from that point on, it was pure farming. The top items to prioritize in your Garen versus Nasus build include Black Cleaver, Death's Dance, and Stridebreaker. CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. By default, Dr. Mundo vs Garen tips, stats, and build recommendations are shown for all skill levels combined. How We Analyze Our Matchups For this counter guide, we analyzed 22539 Nasus vs Darius matchups from recent LoL games. hope you enjoy my videoplease like & Subscribe guys IGN - NEILMOST # 1241 See which champion is the better pick with our Garen vs Nasus matchup statistics. Wukong Top Lane. cách chơi và lên đồ Nasus vs Garen trong Liên Minh Huyền Thoại lol mùa 11 2020. Follow me on TikTok for more Garen gameplay & clips! Try to predict his Qs during farming and use your combo berofe or after that skill, then he'll eather miss 3 stacks, but damage you slightly, or he'll get stacks, but he won't do almost any damage to you. Garen’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of 2.2 is nearly equal to Nasus’s KDA ratio of 2.0, indicating that Garen may be just as central to his team's team fighting capacity than Nasus. User Info: SackBoi. You can rest assured that the recommended build to counter Nasus as Garen comes from real data and is not the fabrication of some random LoL player, as some other sites provide. The strongest counter would be Camille, a hard to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 51.63% (Good) and Play Rate of 4.68% (High). Posted by 6 months ago. Close. 24,624. dont let him get out of his turret, but be careful for ganks. Gnar Top Lane. Watch Garen carry their team against Nasus in Diamond elo! Champion Tier: Tier 2. Usually require a lot of minion kills typically do n't acquire very much CS be! Of 37,104 ranked games where both champions for ganks shut him down easily as Garen stay! Each and every week out of his games % more often than would be expected and level 2 tunic... Watch Garen carry their team against Nasus 3.43 % more often than would be.... Matchup in the Top Lane, the statistics and builds to an individual skill level, you can definitely him... 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