Lego Star Wars Mini Figure - Admiral Ackbar (Approximately 45mm / 1.8 Inch Tall) LEGO Yoda Star Wars minifigure - Yoda Chronicles Clone Wars 75017 LEGO Star Wars Death Star Minifigure - Luke Skywalker with Lightsaber Mouth Closed (75159) Vader isn't stupid he saw the plans go to the Tantive and went in pursuit. Darth Vader, Wilhuff Tarkin, Orson Krennic, some members of the Rebel council Type of Hero The ship admiral raddus has is a mon calamari mc75 cruiser but home one is mc80 and the mc75 is made for poler areas. Asajj Ventress | Cara Dune | Chewbacca | Din Djarin | Greef Karga | Han Solo | Hondo Ohnaka | IG-11 | Lando Calrissian | Sana Starros | Sugi, Other Force Users He is famous for helping Rogue One squad in their hour of need when they were stealing the plans to the first Death Star from an Imperial base on the planet Scarif. He is best known in historical records for his actions in the Battle of Endor, playing a key role in the destruction of the second Death Star. Powers/Skills Because tacking on a death scene for him at the end of the movie would ruin the ending flow, which in my opinion was pretty much perfect as it was. When the Mon Calamari joined the Alliance, the Profundity was one of the first ships to be converted into a warship. Check out some new Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Figures coming from Hasbro.Screen Rant shared the news, giving us our first look at the upcoming items. Enemies Sadly, Raddus didn’t live to see this happen, as he was killed when the Profundity was destroyed at Scarif. Maybe, but I thought about this earlier, depending on the exact timeline, they might not have gotten around to that. An outspoken and militant leader of one of the many rebel cells, Raddus could be considered blunt and brash, his practical nature leading him to dislike the petty politics that had kept the various rebel cells divided. His death is not in vain, though, as it made it possible for the rebels to find and get away with the coveted plans. Military leadership Condition: New. That would also have solved your issue. I thought it was interesting that Admiral Raddus was assumed dead because this creates an opening for Ackbar to be promoted. Just like Red Five inevitably died to make room for Luke in The Battle of Yavin. The 501st had fish sticks for dinner that night. Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. Asajj Ventress | Bo-Katan Kryze | Cham Syndulla | Chewbacca | Cut Lawquane | Fenn Rau | Galen Erso | Gial Ackbar | Gregar Typho | Hondo Ohnaka | Julia | King Katuunko | Korkie Kryze | Lux Bonteri | Mon Calamari | Quarsh Panaka | Ric Olié | Roos Tarpal | Satine Kryze | Saw Gerrera | Soniee | Steela Gerrera | Sugi | Tee Watt Kaa | Ursa Wren | Wag Too Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Defying Rebel High Command, doing what needs to be done to defeat the Empire He was such a swell guy. Friends/Allies Fleet admiral They found the Death Star plans. As the admiral of the Rebel fleet at the Battle of Scarif, Raddus's command ensured the successful theft and transmission of the Death Star plans, ultimately leading to the Alliance victory at the Battle of Yavin. Doing a search on the character in the following days from watching the movie turned up the old, forgotten images of the character. Axe | Bly | Boil | Boost | Broadside | Cody | Contrail | Cutup | Droidbait | Echo | Fil | Fives | Fox | Gregor | Hevy | Jek | Jesse | Jet | Keeli | Kix | Rex | Rys | Sinker | Stone | Waxer | Wolffe An MCRN battleship is boarded after losing engines and there are running battles on the ship. I vote alive. It was an unceremonious death that's still controversial among fans. Gigoran Monk Jedi Grand Master. Admiral Ackbar ends up facing the Deathstar and a SSD, plus about 50 ISD's knowing that Palpatine and Vader are both present, and he is a sceptic?1? Included are: Imperial Death Trooper Electronic Duel 12″ Figure; Admiral Raddus 3.75″ Figure; Galen Erso 3.75″ Figure From his ship, the Profundity, the admiral guided the actions of his fighters and cruisers with expert efficiency. Also a single star destroyer can't destroy a whole fleet of starfighter and starship it might use a hyperspace used of Tantive IV. It's the only way they're gonna get them through. Also a single star destroyer can't destroy a whole fleet of starfighter and starship it might use a hyperspace used of Tantive IV. Many years after Raddus’ death, the name of the esteemed admiral was used by the Resistance for their own flagship. He perished when his ship was invaded. Later in the timeline at the Battle of Endor, the fleet is headed by Admiral Ackbar, another member of the Mon Calamari species. What a tragedy! Several years after his death, his name is utilized by the Resistance as a tribute to the fallen leader. There may very well have been Imperial interrogators pressing survivors of Scarif for information some place else during the events we see on film, but if those Rebels only held out for a day or two, that might've been enough. Source. I still get the feels when Admiral Raddus looks at Death star blast near the Scarrif citadel and says, "Rogue One, may the force be with you". Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Rey, Galactic Republic But raddus is a poler calamari making him no way near related to ackbar ... How many rebel ships were at Eadu, compared to the Death Star run? My guess is he survived the battle but was unceremoniously executed on the Death Star. Subsidiary Organizations: Would have killed vader and the 501st. Decades later, during the war against the First Order, a Mon Cala Resistance flagship was named the Raddus in honor of the legendary Admiral, and it was used in the same spirit as Raddus the person was, being a powerful and steadfast weapon against the First Order, and being sacrificed in the end along with the Resistance’s Vice Admiral Holdo to shred the First Order Fleet. Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, Bodhi Rook, Chirrut Imwe, Baze Malbus, Caitken, Shollan, Rogue One as a whole It's not a plot hole. Hobby that being said, someone just broke hi wrist and called him cute at the same time. 3. My thinking is that after seeing the Tantive IV jump into hyperspace, Vader pretty much legs it back to his shuttle, hops on over to the Devastator and sets off in pursuit.Now, whether they jump straight to Tatooine or whether there's a hunt through a number of systems, it's at most a few hours until ANH starts, and then a couple more until Vader arrives on the Death Star. Raddus Destroy the whole ship with just one I-class SD, deff enough time to restart engines and hyperdrive out. Posts about Admiral Raddus written by Imperial Talker. His character perhaps has potential moving backwards, like in Rebels or comics or whatever, but not forwards. Probably and sadly. He ded. Don't get me wrong, I thought Raddus was great but it's not particularly important that we see his death on screen. I left with Rogue One tentatively holding a place among my top three Star Wars films. When Jyn Erso disobeyed orders and took a team of volunteers to Scarif to steal the Death Star plans, Raddus was quick to follow suit in his flagship… You're assuming a lot there. Jun 8, 2018 - An Admiral that served the Rebel Alliance, introduced in Star Wars: Rogue One. His flagship was disabled by the Devastator and then boarded by Darth Vader and his forces in an attempt to retrieve the Death Star plans, which were stolen by Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor. Afterwards, Raddus was about to jump to hyperspace with the transmitted plans, but Darth Vader’s Star Destroyer, the Devastator, suddenly came out of hyperspace, and Vader and his troops disabled and boarded Raddus’ ship in an attempt to retrieve the plans. Star Wars Armada: Admiral Raddus. Ever since Rogue One premiered, fans have been hoping that Admiral Raddus was not dead. This is a Star Wars character I really enjoyed giving voice to - Admiral Raddus from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story! Alias SupremeLeaderTrump, Mar 10, 2017 #193. I think he's dead. Well considering his ship was disabled and Vader boarded it id say he's dead. Raddus was a gruff, hardy, thick-blooded Mon Cala who was notorious for being more intimidating than polite to people. Amilyn Holdo | BB-8 | C-3P0 | Chewbacca | Ewoks | Finn | Gial Ackbar | Han Solo | Iden Versio | Jarek Yeager | Kazuda Xiono | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Maz Kanata | Nien Nunb | Poe Dameron | R2-D2 | Rey | Rose Tico | Sidon Ithano | Torra Doza | Wedge Antilles | Wicket W. Warrick | Zorii Bliss, Mercenaries But in spite of his unpleasant, aggressive personality, he cared about the Rebel cause greatly, and was a man of action, believing that strength and might were not only the answer to the Empire, but the only thing the Empire chose to understand. Admiral Raddus didn't survive the events of Rogue One, though his off-screen death was strangely underwhelming for such an essential figure in the film's final act. In einem Gastbeitrag zu Star Wars Armada von Fantasy Flight Games wird Admiral Raddus vorgestellt, der Befehlshaber der Rebellenflotte aus Rogue One. The scenario here is really simmilar. Ahsoka Tano | Alexsandr Kallus | Amilyn Holdo | Bail Organa | Baze Malbus | Bodhi Rook | C-3P0 | C1-10P | Cassian Andor | Cham Syndulla | Chewbacca | Chirrut Îmwe | Enfys Nest | Ewoks | Ezra Bridger | Fenn Ray | Galen Erso | Garazeb Orrelios | Gial Ackbar | Gregor | Han Solo | Hera Syndulla | Hondo Ohnaka | Iden Versio | Jarek Yeager | Jyn Erso | K-2SO | Kanan Jarrus | Lando Calrissian | Leia Organa | Luke Skywalker | Lux Bonteri | Mon Mothma | Nien Nunb | Obi-Wan Kenobi | R2-D2 | Raddus | Rex | Ryder Azadi | Sabine Wren | Sana Starros | Saw Gerrera | Ursa Wren | Wedge Antilles | Wicket W. Warrick | Wolffe, New Republic/Resistance The Liberty is a laser death beam FORWARDS that can take Gunnery Teams and fire on two ships with a great front arc or put out great HIE damage (at the cost of being the least survivable! He made several X-Wings and U-Wings fly through the planet’s shield gate, and also had a Rebel corvette pulverize the shield by ramming into the two Star Destroyers orbiting the planet. Resistance Era: Allies: I asked myself that question when I read the novel, and it gives no word on whether he is alive or dead. I used a reference picture of Admiral Raddus from star wars, however I drew this picture of him by hand. As a result, the character of Admiral Raddus was created to fill Ackbar’s place in the script. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Vader went directly after prize, the plans. Clone Soldiers: We hear you. Do-Gooder You have to take down the shield gate. Admiral Raddus Admiral Raddus : This is Admiral Raddus, Rogue One. Also many says that he died because he is replaced by Admiral Ackbar,He is too old for the rebel alliance to lead,Maybe he retired to rest. Deff possible for some of his crew to repair his engine's, the Profundity was almost as large as the Devastator it would of taken a while to, 1. 2. At the climax of Rogue One, three storylines are playing out simultaneously. He later takes part in the battle of Scarif, trying to prevent the Rebel Alliance from stealing the Death Star plans, but is shot by Cassian Andor whilist confronting Jyn Erso, and then dies after Tarkin orders the Death Star to fire on the planet, destroying it and everyone still stranded there. Rebellion Era: Cal Kestis | Eeth Koth | Ezra Bridger | Kanan Jarrus | Luke Skywalker | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Yoda Legacy. Admiral Raddus was a Mon Calamari military admiral for the Rebel Alliance in the Star Wars universe. 501st Legion | Clone Commandos | Clone Force 99 | Clone Trooper Sergeants | Delta Squad | Senate Guards Occupation because he's not sure they can pull it off. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. C-3P0 | C1-10P | R2-D2 | WAC-47, Early Rebellion/Alliance to Restore the Republic In Rogue One, the Rebel fleet supporting Jyn Erso's team in the Battle of Scarif is led by Admiral Raddus, a Mon Calamari member of the Rebel Alliance. He's not in the original trilogy and Ackbar is the admiral leading the fleet, so for continuities sake it's easy to accept he died. Fortunately, the Rebels managed to scan them to a datacard, and get them into the capable hands of Leia Organa, who later gave them to R2-D2, who made sure they safely got back to Yavin 4, where the Rebels used it to destroy the battle station with Luke Skywalker firing the shot. Item Information. He was sparse with pleasantries and was happy to flaunt his polar region race’s hardy, thick-blooded reputation. Since watching the expanse this has always bugged me in every other franchise. Politicians: Republic Era: Aayla Secura | Adi Gallia | Agen Kolar | Ahsoka Tano | Anakin Skywalker | Barriss Offee | Byph | Cal Kestis | Caleb Dume | Cere Junda | Cin Drallig | Depa Billaba | Eeth Koth | Even Piell | Ganodi | Gungi | Ima-Gun Di | Jinx | Jocasta Nu | Kalifa | Katooni | Ki-Adi-Mundi | Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Mace Windu | Nahdar Vebb | O-Mer | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Petro | Plo Koon | Qui-Gon Jinn | Quinlan Vos | Saesee Tiin | Shaak Ti | Sifo-Dyas | Tera Sinube | Tiplar | Tiplee | Yaddle | Yarael Poof | Yoda | Zatt | Zett Jukassa This sometimes lead to friction with his fellow officers in the Rebellion, including Ackbar, who at the time saw Raddus as too improvisational and aggressive. The novelization of “Rogue One” also points out that the Tantive IV was docked in Raddus’ warship because it was undergoing repairs." He aint leaving no prisoners alive on the Profundity. Admiral Raddus is a character featured in the Star Wars movie Rogue One. When Rogue One's departure for Scarif became known, Admiral Raddus gathered as many ships as he could to supp… Tags: c3po, mon-calamari, death-star, its-a-trap, admiral-ackbar Press J to jump to the feed. They revealed the role was initially written for Ackbar, but director Gareth Edwards ultimately wanted to include more original characters for Rogue One; thus, Raddus was born. They have to transmit them from the communications tower. Military alien. Going into #2 a little but it's not like Vader had all the time to take over the whole Profundity, which could take day's if not a week or two if rebels held out in key area's of the ship. Like many Mon Calamari buildings, the tower was converted into a ship and was part of the exodus fleet that departed from the Mon Calamari homeworld under command of Raddus, the city's mayor. NEXT: Rogue One Is Still The Best Star Wars Movie Of The Disney Era I think he survived.Probable reason is nearly all of the rebel soldiers and crew has been escaped before Vader's shuttle arrive,I think the rebel soldier and crew use a U wing,X wing,Correllian Corvette,Blockade Runner and many other star fighter and spaceship,although the Profundity is disabled its hangar and star port is still open that make them escape. Well, it's an interesting question and one that brings up one of the most glaring plot holes in Rogue One (which I absolutely loved): With the Profundity disabled and not destroyed, they would've totally found a survivor on a ship that size willing to spill the beans on Yavin 4 after some interrogation. When it comes to the Mon Calamari, sure, Admiral Raddus is cool.But he's no Admiral Ackbar. Still, had Ackbar been the leader of the Rebellion's assault on Scarif, the stakes wouldn't have been as high, since his survival would have been guaranteed by his appearances in Return of the Jedi and other films set after the events of … What does this price mean? No information To gain the Death Star plans from the planet Scarif so the Death Star can be destroyed Which is a reason why this movie is only minute's if not a few hours away from A New Hope. He was the Commander of the entire Rebel Fleet. ), the MC75 is a general all-arounder that can throw death from whatever 2 arcs you line up on target (at the cost of not having strong defense tokens! For me the weirdness is that raddus didn't self destruct his ship once the tantive escaped. 7. He was a Mon Calamari male who served as Admiral in the Rebel Alliance . See more ideas about star wars, rogues, tribal warrior. Bail Organa | Finis Valorum | Jamillia | Jar Jar Binks | Kharrus | Mon Mothma | Neeyutnee | Onaconda Farr | Padmé Amidala | Riyo Chuchi Recent sales price provided by the seller. When Pablo was asked this he posted a picture of a plate of calamari. I personally think he survived. Admiral Raddus vs Death Star 2013 Star Wars Galactic Files Auto Sketch Card 1/1. Later the plans were given to Leia. Raddus was long remembered as one of the greatest and most legendary of his race, on par with the famed, and more loved, Admiral Ackbar. In the latter half of the film, the conversation inevitably turned to the character of Admiral Raddus, who is clearly a substitute for Admiral Ackbar. Vader only had a landing party at the time with prolly 3,000 more rebels inside and only i'd say 50-100 troopers. Full Name DL44Jo, Darth Basin, Gigoran Monk and 1 other person like this. The mission ultimately succeeded, but unfortunately, the Death Star suddenly came out of hyperspace, and all members of Rogue One who were not killed in battle were destroyed by the battle station’s superlaser when it fired on the base, including Erso. The plan was to have Admiral Raddus accompany the Tantive IV to Tatooine and escort the Jedi back to Alderaan in ANH. Also many says that he died because he is replaced by Admiral Ackbar,He is too old for the rebel alliance to lead,Maybe he retired to rest. Originally, the Profundity was the Civic Governance tower of the city of Nystullum. But, one takeaway from the screening was the impression left by the new character Admiral Raddus. While Raddus faces two ISD's and is a bulldog about it, I wonder why he … Why would the crew of the profundity be allowed to know that? Sadly, Raddus didn’t live to see this happen, as he was killed when the Profundity was destroyed at Scarif. The vessel gained the moniker Raddus upon its entry into the service of the Resistance, when Admiral Gial Ackbar petitioned to rename it in honor of the famed Admiral Raddus, who had died in service of the Alliance at the Battle of Scarif after defying the Rebel Alliance's political leaders and choosing to fight against seemingly insurmountable odds. Was: Original price US $40.00. Killed along with other Rebels in the Battle of Scarif. The brave admiral perishes in the battle. Alas. Admiral Raddus is the Star Wars’ universe’s Winston Churchill, a gruff, jowly military leader who supports the heroes in their mission to steal the Death Star plans. Disclaimer: This blog is not endorsed by the Walt Disney Company or Lucasfilm Ltd, and is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only. Raddus, Rogue One at the end when the Profundity, the Profundity was at! For Ackbar to be promoted poler areas der Rebellenflotte aus Rogue One, three storylines are out... 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