This book is a gem if you are a teacher, elementary or secondary who is interested in using literature in the classroom. You will LOVE the self-direction, motivation, and authentic reading, writing, and responding to literature that book clubs will bring to your classroo I can listen to her explain everything while I look at her slidecast and PDF files simultaneously. In my book club arrangement, all students are able to select different books. I knew when I moved to 7th grade that book clubs would be one of the things that moved with me. Her materials are so hands on and so adaptable that they work great with so many kids that learn in different ways from the norm, including the kids that I work with on the Autism Spectrum. To learn more about what’s included in this self-paced program, watch my introductory video below. Imagine your students clustered into small groups around your room, excitedly discussing the books they’re reading. The Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ Book Club Collection is for the classroom teacher who wants to encourage agency and stir in-depth discussion in students, grades K–6. My number one goal is helping to pair them with a novel I think they’ll actually want to read. The Classroom Book Clubs program includes membership in a private Facebook group of teachers who are implementing this approach to Literature Circles. By clicking below to subscribe, you acknowledge that your information will be transferred to Mailchimp for processing. As educators, student preparation can be key for ensuring all students participate. Students read a book together, collaborate to get a job done, and share in the joy of exploring a book together. How could they NOT be reading? When done right, it can be such a fun learning experience for both the […] It may seem like a stretch, but the Spring is such a great time to get your students ready and used to reading, thinking about, and discussing books with their peers instead of me, the teacher! For example, To Kill a Mockingbird is a long book, and when we read it as part of our curriculum, students had nightly reading assignments. Thank you, Laura, for sharing your expertise with me!” ~ Tammi Pittaro. Effective Read Alouds for Teaching Literary... …wanted them to enjoy reading (I wanted them to see reading as a hobby, not a chore.). When I first began using book clubs in my classroom, I did so because many of my students wanted to be able to read for fun without a corresponding project or essay. How to Run a Full-Choice Book Club in Your Classroom: Independent Reading in Secondary, How to Engage Students with Musical Debates. In order to carry out book clubs successfully, students must work together to negotiate places and times to meet, along with the pacing and discussion of the books. She provides detailed information for starting Book Clubs and all the printouts I need to run a Book Club. Address the question of “Why does this matter?” by presenting a few facts each day. We typically start book club a month into the school year due to BOY Testing and other classroom management goals we focus on. What’s more, it mimics real-life reading experiences. Other options? Before beginning the book club experience, I sat down to determine the goal. Setting up a book club through Google Classroom will allow you to cultivate a culture where reading is celebrated, talked about, and a social experience students will love participating in, all from the comfort of your computer. The Classroom Book Clubs program is a terrific alternative to the traditional teacher workshop as a way of learning how to implement literature circles. Are there other options? That was me. Throughout the year, this data helps me to find texts they might like. Finally, you’ll get much more buy-in from students if you’re passionate about book club. Talk about your book with them. When you’re thinking about this issue, consider whether or not you have funding to purchase sets of books. But how? If we want kids to enjoy reading, we need to make the library an inviting place they want to go…a place where they feel welcome. If you organize your meetings around genres or themes, students will still be able to have intelligent conversations about the unique texts they have each read. I encourage you to use what you want and change what you need to in order to fit your situation. Every month, we study a different genre of literature. This blog post is Part 2 of my Book Clubs Miniseries, if you haven’t read Part 1 explaining the 5 W’s of Book Clubs, I recommend starting there if you’re unfamiliar with Book Clubs or just want to learn more about my take on the importance of Book Clubs in the classroom. …wished for them to think of reading as an extension of themselves…as a part of who they are. I use a great deal of the teaching materials and ideas from Laura Candler. I’ve created a series of video lessons that walk you through the process, step-by-step. The book explains how book clubs support students' need for extensive reading and high-interest reading. Read in front of them. After reading The Book Whisperer, I was inspired to structure my book club units around genres. You’ll discover that Literature Circles are easier than you thought! Organizing clubs, managing them while they’re up and running, determining the instruction that students in each club … Book clubs in first grade?! Download the CCSS reference below to see exactly which standards are met by Literature Circles and Book Clubs. This is the fourth installment in a series of posts with ideas and suggestions for running effective literacy circles or book clubs with students from second grade through high school. Besides a step-by-step slidecast with pictures and Laura’s voice walking me through each step, there are pages of PDF files that I can print out and use immediately in my classroom as handouts for my students to use. In 2016–17, my ninth graders read popular young adult titles by authors such as John Green, Rainbow Rowell, and Ernest Cline. Scholastic Book Clubs is the best possible partner to help you get excellent children's books into the hands of every child, to help them become successful lifelong readers and discover the joy and power of … circle the way it had with the novel unit, and I too implemented a book club. Her voice is clear and calm, and she explains with insight as a teacher who has tried and used all of these ideas and materials in her own classroom. Introduce Book Clubs: This is a MAJOR fun time in our classroom, it is similar to book tasting! I have grown my classroom library over a long period of time. In order to justify devoting class time to any particular event on a regular basis, I need to know I’ll be covering standards. Click on the images below to view the independent reading program materials I use when I implement a book club in the classroom. Click the video below and I’ll share the 7 steps to Classroom Book Clubs success! We use Mailchimp as our marketing platform. Classroom libraries are a beautiful thing, but in order to effectively run a book club, you need more than a classroom library can provide, unless you are limiting students’ choices to a certain list of options. It’s all fine and dandy to say you want to run a book club until you have to face the reality of finding the books. The Classroom Book Clubs program also includes all of the printables shown in the videos as well as a study and planning guide for you. Some students may enjoy reading dramatic passages from the book … Some students do use books off of my shelves, but the vast majority find texts from the library. ... but that doesn’t mean that you need to give up the book clubs. Effective Read Alouds for Teaching Literary Elements. It’s always awkward to try something new later on because it doesn’t feel like a natural part of the class. The Classroom Book Clubs program is a terrific alternative to the traditional teacher workshop as a way of learning how to implement literature circles. With adult book clubs, the host or hostess usually guides the discussions. Thank goodness for Laura’s slidecasts! That shared reading experience where students would get to just read and discuss is something I have loved having in the classroom the past few years. You could gear each month’s book around a specific reading strategy or signpost and have students focus on, for example, connecting with or asking questions about their book that month. It’s infectious. But, then I started thinking about book club as an enrichment activity. In order for your classroom book club to be successful, you need to entice students. Read with them. You’re sweet. This post is the first in a three-part series about how to run a book club in your classroom. I am one of those teachers who buy professional books, I but never get a chance to sit down and read them! Her materials give me the confidence to begin, not just add another book on my shelf to look at sometime in the future.” ~ Francie Kugelman, “As a parent of two children with special needs who runs a non-profit to help families and children with Autism, I don’t have much time to fit in anything extra. Subscribe to my mailing list for new blog posts, teaching resources, & inspiration. A novel study is a central pillar of the high school English classroom no matter what the current curriculum shift may be. Please try again in 30 minutes. You can view each segment either consecutively or independently and then quickly implement Classroom Book Clubs with your students. This is why I was so excited about Laura’s new Classroom Book Club materials and training. You can read the others in this series here. In August (after I introduce the concept of our class book club), I teach students about literacy. I’ve run a book club model with my enriched classes for several years, and it’s been a practice that has transformed my students’ reading experiences. My solution to this one is pretty straightforward: Use your school library. I empathized with them, we brainstormed, and the concept of book club seemed to be the best fit. If you’ve made it here, you’re ready to find out HOW to get Book Clubs up and running in your classroom! Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. After reviewing these materials, I started up my own Classroom Book Club, and it is running daily in my classroom. Laura makes me look good because I am able to use her fantastic strategies in my classroom. This problem is what led me away from literature circles. Reading is a hobby we want students to carry with them long after they receive their diplomas. My students followed this same example and we had a "host or hostess" each time we created a new Book Club. Here are some tips for how to have a successful book club and discussion in our class. What did I want students to get out of this venture? She reads books faster than I can walk to my classroom. Creating Book Clubs lays out a successful three-part model in which students read, discuss, and make Book Log entries that the authors developed in their own multilevel adult ESL classroom. Recent literacy research has revealed that choice is the key ingredient in a successful reading program, especially for reluctant readers. Whenever possible, I tie the monthly genre in with the time of year. What the implications are of not reading. Click over to this blog post to learn more about the group and how to join. By conferring with students about their reading, you can support them with strategies they can implement with their books. For example, they can work together on creating presentations to share with the rest of the class. Not only was I able to listen to the trainings while doing the dishes and driving the kids to therapies, but the downloading and printing was so easy that I could learn something that I really think the kids will love without taking a day away for professional development or getting behind in everything else I need to get done. (The Literature Circles Discussion Bundle includes 1 membership in Facebook group). “Classroom Book Clubs is so very well organized for a busy teacher! Laura has thoughtfully designed a high quality and practical professional learning package that works! We will treat your information with respect. This is the first installment in a series of seven posts with ideas and suggestions for running effective literacy circles or book clubs with students from second grade through high school. I make sure they understand that reading is crucial to their success in life. If you school decides to implement Classroom Book Clubs schoolwide or using the program for staff development, please purchase multiple licenses of the Classroom Book Clubs program or the Literature Circles Discussion Bundle. Also, you’ll gather valuable information about trends in your room. Some did; other’s didn’t, and that was fine. You won’t have to assign roles because your students will learn how to talk about books naturally as you might do in your own book club. Back in the day, my literature circles/book clubs had packets of role sheets to fill out as they read and every time they met. You’ve just observed the excitement of Classroom Book Clubs, an easy and effective variation of traditional Literature Circles. Certainly, it can take a wide variety of forms, and no one practice is the correct answer. …needed to connect the book clubs to the ELA curriculum and standards. I’d love to tell you how it works! We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The key concept here is choice. The Classroom Book Clubs method is more relaxed and less structured than many forms of Literature Circles, and its flexibility makes it more adaptable to a variety of classrooms and students. If you were to attend a workshop on this topic, you could expect to pay $75 to $100, not including your hotel and travel expenses. (Includes 1 membership in Facebook group), Classroom Book Clubs is a part of the Literature Circles Discussion Bundle which also includes Talking Sticks Discussions and Discussion Connections, two products to help foster more collaborative discussions. The only time book club didn’t run in addition to course literature was if we were already reading a novel that demanded reading time outside of class. Plus, book club can enhance students’ growth toward standards. The Classroom Book Clubs program is a variation of traditional Literature Circles in which groups of students read the same book and have weekly meetings to discuss their thoughts and feelings about the book. Please share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences in the comments. Book club is no exception. For instance…. To get the best of Reading Club’s new features and for a faster experience, please use iOS Safari, Google Chrome, or Firefox. There’s a lot to juggle when book clubs are happening in our classrooms. I can’t wait to get this started!” ~ Lori Swan. Reading and Writing Haven will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. “Book clubs and partnerships play a crucial role in supporting student comprehension and also in making the reading process a social one (Nichols, 2006). So Where does a Teacher Begin? Get some teachery camaraderie in your inbox! I knew it would be a different experience… Empower Student Literacy, Independent Reading, and Small Group Learning. While this discovery is helpful (and also somewhat common sense), it leaves a lot to be desired in the classroom. Instead, you can download the videos and watch them at your leisure for a fraction of that cost. You’re welcome, Milana! For more information about our privacy practices please visit our website. This context is implemented during small-group literacy instruction where the children discuss a self-selected book that they have read and the teacher supports them during their discussion. I definitely tried to cover all the basis. What I’m sharing with you worked for me in my setting under my given circumstances. In real life, people read for pleasure in addition to their job, in addition to raising a family, and in addition to working out, cleaning their house, and cooking food. Laura expertly breaks it down day by day, and even minute by minute so you won’t waste a moment of valuable instructional time. Each week, the Book Talk Leader would be someone new. Often called literature circles, literature study and here, book clubs, this book provides the theoretical background as well as the in-class applications for use in any situation. Why does the book club model work? . These licenses are available at a discounted price, and each license includes one membership in the Facebook group. That person became the Book Talk Leader. Today, I’ll explain why I use Book Clubs as an integral part of my reading block, and how to launch thriving Book Clubs in just one week!. The use of a book club in class provides an “opportunity for personal response to encourage students to construct meaning with their peers and to question whether meaning is inherent in text” (Raphael & McMahon, 1994, p. 103). This is the space where I share my learning with others. If you were to attend a workshop on this topic, you could expect to pay $75 to $100, not including your hotel and travel expenses. The students get extremely revved up for new book club choices. Reading Bulletin Boards: Bookish Culture Ideas for Middle... A Fun Vocabulary Activity for Middle or High School, 5 Brain-Based Vocabulary Activities for the Secondary Classroom, The Grammar Nerds Tell All: How to Sequence Grammar Instruction, Best Books for English Teachers: Professional Development, Middle School Books Recommended by Teachers, Teaching Conclusion Paragraphs in Middle and High School, How to Teach Sentence Structure: Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex, 10 ELA Lesson Plans that Engage Students Any Time of Year, Reading Bulletin Boards: Bookish Culture Ideas for Middle and High School, 14 Ways to Support Struggling Writers: Build Confidence and Increase Success, Email Etiquette: Teaching Students How to Email a Teacher. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at Your account has been locked for security. Many people would love to try running a book club in their classroom, but due to the rigorous standards and curriculum they must meet, they feel like it’s an overwhelming task. I couldn’t have had the confidence to start without Laura’s great slidecasts and PDF printouts. Explore the same genre as them. “I have always been a big fan of Laura Candler’s materials, and Classroom Book Clubs has become one of my favorites! To have a successful virtual book club, students need to come prepared. Face to face or virtually, book clubs are the perfect way to get your readers reading! You don’t have to wonder if they’re reading – you know they’re reading! I have degrees in English, Curriculum & Instruction, and Reading as well as a reading specialist certification. It’s not designed to be a total reading program; instead, you can integrate it into your existing reading program. How to Get Started with Sketchnotes in the... 12 Powerful Discussion Strategies to Engage Students, How to Create Classroom Norms with Students. No existing curriculum needed to be sacrificed to make room for book club. (-: Hopefully, you have a rockstar librarian like I do who keeps up with the most recent young adult literature, Abe Lincoln books, and student favorites. Book club is such a huge topic! The book explains how book clubs support students' need for … Outside of the classroom, book clubs abound and range in many different formats, styles, and purposes. This Facebook group is a great place to ask questions and share ideas with other teachers as you implement Literature Circles! Worried about meeting Common Core State Standards? I recommend starting a book club at the beginning of the year. Thanks for your encouraging words. I have grown my classroom library over a long period of time. Your students will love the choice and autonomy of book clubs. If students feel it is easy in a classroom setting to sit back and let others do the talking, this can be even easier in a virtual setting. All other printables and resources are located in the TpT product folder. Why it matters. Five years ago after trying literature circles and independent novel studies (neither of which I necessarily loved or hated), I decided to try running a book club in my classroom. Using Classroom Book Clubs will help you meet the majority of the CCSS for Speaking and Listening! It was something we would do to complement the other course work. What are practical classroom implications for choice reading at the secondary level? If you do, go for it! I utilize her once a month. High-Interest Young Adult Novels to Add to Your... Help Students Develop a Reading Habit: 8 Things... Analyzing Children’s Books in the Secondary Classroom, Creating a Reading Culture that Inspires Secondary Students. Each round of Classroom Book Clubs takes only 2 to 3 weeks, so it allows you to add a little variety to your literacy program. Whether you’re considering a classroom book club for the first time, or are already guiding your students through their third book this year, here’s a list of benefits and some tips for success you can employ right away! Classroom Book Clubs, like Literature Circles, empower students to lead their own learning through student-led conversations. By conferring, you’ll know this, and you can be responsive. In my free time, I enjoy loving on my kids, deconstructing sentences, analyzing literature, making learning fun, working out, and drinking a good cup of coffee. Finally, the accountability piece in my classroom book clubs has evolved from Harvey Daniels’s literature circles in the early 1990s. During this time, I made sure we were studying historical fiction as a book club, and if students wanted to, they could read a second historical fiction book on their own to complement TKAM, but I didn’t make them. In my experience, a group of 6 students needs a little more monitoring and teacher intervention. Each video is chock full of helpful information that is designed to help you feel confident and competent from the beginning. …wanted them to carry books with them wherever they went. Book clubs also provide the social enjoyment factor that students need to stay engaged with a text. However with kids with Autism learning in so many different ways, I need to keep up on different things to help them. This is not a one-size-fits-all program, as she offers many options to make CBC work for real classrooms filled with students of every learning style. Imagine your students gathered in small groups around the room, actively sharing their thoughts, opinions, and questions about what they’ve just read. As an instructional coach, I'm always asking questions, trying new things, and reflecting. For one, it allows for choice. As you move from group to group, you see them smiling, nodding, actively engaged. I also have struggled over the years getting the quality of conversation I wanted to come out of the Lit. Book Clubs consist of a small group of 4-6 students. These help me with engagement, accountability, and organization. To learn how the program is aligned with the Common Core. Laura Candler is not about educational theory. By clicking below, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms. Her methods make it easy to be successful. (159) Book clubs are opportunities for students to choose what they read, when they read, where they read, how they read, and with whom they read. Once in a while, their parents will take them to the town library or purchase them a text from Amazon or a book store. You could learn about plot one month, characters another, setting another, theme, etcetera, and then focus on those aspects of the books your students read during that time period. Throughout the year, my students study reading strategies and literary terms, which are also simple to connect to our book club units through writing prompts and discussion questions. How to set up an online book club: 1. Now you can learn how to implement Classroom Book Clubs in your own classroom. The most successful strategy I’ve found for getting students to actually want to check out a book is to sell the novels through book talks. Teachers who have used this method find that their students enjoy the social aspects of reading and discussing books. Determining the purpose for running a book club, stressing the importance to students, accessing the books, and making time in the curriculum are just the first steps to getting a successful independent reading program off the ground. The library is the heart of a school. The accompanying worksheets are teacher and student-friendly. In person teaching learning in so many different ways, I started thinking about book club reading! Effective variation of traditional Literature Circles, empower students to form partnerships in reading,! Form partnerships in reading I 've had the privilege of teaching English for over a decade am! Social enjoyment factor that students need to in order for your classroom independent. Or independently and then quickly implement classroom book club club as an extension of themselves…as part! Earlier, my school librarian is the space where I share my learning with others I implemented... 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